I think I mentioned in his 9 month post that he was "on the verge". Yep...he's definitely fallen off the fence at this point and there is no stopping him! He's a crawling, pulling up, cruising, teeth sprouting machine. We took a little road trip this weekend to spend some quality time with Mimi and Baboo. It was an extra bonus that The Writer and her family came for the day Saturday for the annual egg hunt and Hippity Hop Bunny Shop. I took a gazillion photos...will share those soon!
But back to this sweet boy. He's under the weather (AGAIN). High temps, runny nose, terrible cough. I think it's the flu. He's so miserable and pathetic (in a cute, endearing sort of way) so he's been getting lots of extra snuggles and lovin!
So I'm so glad we took him out Saturday for this quick mini session before he really went downhill. He is so fun to photograph because he bursts into a grin as soon as I call his name...what a flirt ;)

These were his Easter duds. I love that his little overalls were so classic with the monogram. These will definitely go in his heirloom box when he outgrows them (which might be tomorrow as they were none to big!)

He's got three teeth now...and one more just ready to poke through. Can you see them?

My parents have a little gate in their backyard that leads to a path around a pond. It made for the perfect prop...just the right size for him to hold onto.

I like the more classic scenery combined with his dressy outfit. He's one stylin little dude don't you think? I went with a softer post processing and I think I like the more dreamy effect.

We tried out a little wooden garden cart too...but he was such a dare devil and was determined to climb right out.

So we played the "throw me up in sky and wait for me to loose my lunch on you" game...which he thought was great fun, of course!

I never realized how much fun I would have with this little one....he has completely stolen my heart :)