They danced the night away. This photo just makes me smile. My girls so adore their Dad. And they should...be he treats each of them like they are the Queen.

Then this morning this little girl hit a major achievement! She graduated from Book 1 in violin. She has been taking Suzuki violin lessons since she turned four and has been steadily working towards this goal. It was such a thrill to see her play her pieces today at her group lesson!

She has been working hard for months to prepare her pieces. Her teacher has had her trophy displayed on her piano in the studio for about a month now. And A has stopped to hug and kiss it each week leading up to her graduation. So after her performance today she didn't even hesitate. When the audience started to clap she bowed as quickly as possible and ran for the piano to claim her prize :) Someone special accompanied her.

She's already figured out the first four pieces of the next book...it amazes me how success breeds success. She's so motivated now to continue to learn. Kind of amazes me too how a piece of shiny plastic can have so much power over her :)

So proud of you A! And so thankful for the opportunity to share our love of music with you!
Hi Jenn!!! How WONDERFUL that P got to accompany A when she got her TROPHY!!! I'm sure that made it extra special for P... :o)
What fun going to a Father/Daughter Dance!!! Bet they were the cutest pair there!
CONGRATS to A!!! I KNOW she's proud!
Love, Lala :o)
What a wonderful milestone! And the dance sounds awesome, too.
congratulations, A!
this is precisely why i love popping in here...daddy/daughter dates, musical achievements...you have so much sunshine in your life, and i love that you so generously share it with all of us.
Congrats to your little one. We're still somewhere in the middle of Book 1 at our house and know *I'll* be happy to move on to some new repertoire. :)
I enjoyed looking at your beautiful photography.
Kiana (also a friend of Ann's) :)
oooh the talent in your family, wonderful!
What a special week-end for her! Congrats to A on winning her trophy.
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