She's by far my most photogenic child. She loves the camera and knows just how to flash that special look that melts your heart. She seems to be growing up at an alarmingly fast rate this year.

Today was picture day at preschool. She begged to wear the special dress we have had hanging in her closet reserved for her upcoming violin recital. So we glammed all out in her tafetta dress and silver slippers...including a quick manicure (in hot pink of course). Nothing sweeter than a little girl twirling through the hallway shouting "look at me...have you ever seen anything so bee-you-tee-ful??"

J...You will always be our little "Jewel". Sparkly and silly and oh-so mischievous. I was once told that God gave you a little more naughtiness to make up for your overwhelming cuteness....and I believe it.
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Bless you!
In case you need a little mid day pick-me-up....compliments of a sweet little girl I know.
hi there and thanks for commenting on my blog! i actually am taking zofran, and it helps, but only to take the edge off...i'm actually able to put food in my mouth when i've taken a zofran so that's a good thing, but the icky feeling is still always there.
ugh, it's such a bummer...i'm hoping to feel better sooooooon!
thanks again,
and p.s. your little one is cute and those pictures are gorgeous!
GORGEOUS PICS!!! She looks beautiful! What an amazing dress!
oooh those brown eyes get me everytime. I remember 4 years. the worst except 3yo. but 5 thru 20 and one-half are the best except maybe 14. LOL.
Stand firm. and keep on your armor and I'd love to hear about stopsign technique
Sooo gorgeous Jenn! How could that sweet face ever get a bad rap? :) what a doll!
simply sweet and loverly. i can see why she wanted to wear that dress. her little smile can melt your heart!
She's a doll :) That last picture is my favorite.
btw, your new blue chairs are fabulous!
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