KELLY - PiaTillys are our girl!
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And because a blog post isn't any fun without a few photos to my new best buddy. This just-turned-3-year-old totally stole my heart. I hope Sam turns out just like this little guy in a few years. We had the best afternoon together riding this old trike through the mud! Talk about easy peasy...he flashed me more cute expressions in our 30 minute shoot than I knew what to do with!

That was my all time fav. Man he was cute! Mom calls his Popeye...wonder why?!?

I've never understood why they call them movie "trailers" when the clip comes out BEFORE the movie. I mean...if you pull a trailer with your car it rides BEHIND the car right? So I'm setting things straight here and instead of a sneak peak like I promised....Mom has already been given the full gallery of images...and my blog friends are getting the "trailer".

I did a fun wash on these images and loved the rustic, grungy look!

Of course I couldn't resist a few with a nice pop of color. He was just smashing in his orange and blue...and I am completely digging my new "old" blue trike. It worked like a charm...squeaky wheels and all!

Thanks for the fun smiles Popeye. You are about as cute as they come!

OMG, I can't believe I won!!! How exciting, I'm doing a little happy dance right now! LOL! Thank you SOOO much girls! :)
And that little guy is just the cutest!! Love the nickname too! ;-)
That little bike is just perfect! What a cute little guy!
Hi Jenn!!! OH... He's CUUUUUUTE!!! Love the tryke too!!! Just enough RUSTY GRUNGE!!!
THanks for sharing such a cutie!!! I'm sure his Mama LOVED the pics!!!
Keep us posted on the casa!!! I LOVE it!!!
Love, Lala
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