I fell in love with an idea I found in a recent issue of Better Holmes and Gardens magazine. It was a simple Valentine's Day craft project that included photos of your favorite people. And since we have such a shortage of fun photos of the kids around the house (insert snicker here) I decided it was time for a little "share the love" photo shoot of the kids. I recently placed a wholesale order with
Oopsie Daisy Baby for a set of
pettiskirts. Their website is total eye candy...and I was very impressed with the quality and fullness of the skirts once they arrived! I also must give a shout out to Amy of
My Bella Bows on
etsy. I ordered a rainbow of hats and flowers from her shop and was thrilled with the quality (and customer service!)
Ok...onto the shots!

I was squeezing in mini photo shoots throughout the day as different kids became available :) And of course by the time this silly
kindergartner made it home from school I had barely enough light left! But for once...she was such a good sport (I think it had something to do with wearing the frilly tutu and the promise of a lollipop larger than her head).

This one is usually a more eager model. I can usually get a big '
ol cheesy grin out her...it's that serious face she hasn't quite mastered yet. In this shot I actually told her to just look into the camera and be sweet....she immediately burst out laughing....I guess she saw the irony ;)

And this little guy...wondering why he's sitting naked on our wood floor...wondering if his mommy knows it's the end of January and more than a bit cold outside. I LOVED this shot when I saw it in camera...loved how he is giving me that "I'll break your heart if you aren't careful" look. Until I realized I did the cardinal sin of photography...and lopped off his toes.

This is the
un-amputated version which is still cute and the only other shot I got before he promptly peed all over my husband's tie. Sorry about that

I'll share the finished result of my little craft project in a week or two. I'm going to take similar pictures for a friend's brood so we can have a "craft the night away" girl's night next week!
On another completely unrelated note (and the reason for my title...were you wondering when I was getting to that?!?) Two new things for which I am extremely grateful. Sam can drink from a cup all on his own. And...

Feed himself a
cheerio! I know to many of you this seems utterly ridiculous that I would even mention this on my blog (let alone get excited about it!) But if you knew the heart ache my first born gave us with her lack of self feeding abilities (until she was THREE!) you would be doing the happy dance with us. My second born could use a spoon and a fork by about 10 months and I'm praying this little guy will follow that path and save the "eating psychosis" for his older sister :)

That's all for now! Cheerio!