He is moving so much these days, I don't get many opportunities to document all the little things about him that I love. So when he fell asleep in his car seat a couple of days ago, I quick grabbed my camera!
Have you ever noticed that babies look much chunkier when they are asleep? I swear...as soon as they drift off to La-La Land...they gain 10 lbs. I love those squishy squeezy cheeks and those smooshy lips!

I'm not the only one who loves this little guy. His bigger, bigger sister thinks he hung the moon. I used to get an ear full as soon as she ran in the door from kindergarten. But now I am completely bypassed for the chubby little man rolling around the floor. She just can't get enough of him!

Luckily he pretty much feels the same way about her!

We've been spending a lot of time playing together this past week...enjoying all the little moments that make life...well...life.
I am trying really hard to memorialize moments in my kid's lives. I hope this blog will serve as a journal for our family of our journey together. I'm hoping to create a blog book (see Tonya's blog if you want serious inspiration in this department!) to help my family keep the memories alive!
On that note...I did a bit of scrapping as a little gift for a special friend.
Happy weekend...hope you are busy making memories too!