At 8 months he is a hefty 20 lbs. 10 oz. I don't know if that's a "boy thing" but he is tipping the scale at the weight of a typical Cooper one year old already. He does like his food though...and has the thighs to prove it.

I can't measure the amount of joy he has brought to our lives already. The girls are enamored by him and so proud to show him off to visitors and friends. He revels in the spotlight...the life of the party this little one.

He's a babbler and knows how to work the room. He's inquisitive and happy...and so easy going that his cries often catch me off guard.

He's a log roller. I'm thinking that extra weight has kept him from really getting mobile. It isn't that he hasn't attempted to pull up. But half way through the endeavor he usually plops back down shaking his head from the sheer strain of getting himself off the ground!

We've got him officially switched to soy formula (after about a week of projectile vomiting he seems to be finally getting used to it). And his recent trip to the cardiologist showed that the troublesome heart valve is growing nicely and won't require any correction.

Super Sam...Mr. Peepers...chunky monkey...little booger (can't claim that nickname)...thank you for the unconditional love....

for making our little family complete....

for showing us God's infinite grace and goodness. We love you!
Love the pics! He looks older to me than the last time I saw him- only 9 days ago! What a cutie!
Oh, Jenn, SO glad to hear the heart check went well!!! Sam is just such a cutie pie and I LOVE that box prop :)
super adorable!!!
Oh gosh...I thought of you the other day Jenn....Sarah and I stopped by an estate sale that was just packed with antiques/unique and old chairs, props etc. I was thinking oh my gosh I wish Jenn lived close by...I`d so be on the phone with her telling her to HURRY GET OVER HERE! Apparently it was a lady who had gathered tons of antiques from back east and brought them out. She fought with our little city about opening a shop...then passed away. So all the stuff was being sold. They had the MOST ADORABLE and so unique little childs rocking chair I`d ever seen...along with tons of other things.
Miss you!!!
ohmy, he is sweet. how do you ever get anything done? with a feller that cute, i'd just want to spend my whole day cuddling him!
love the backlighting...i've been working on that technique lately, and this series is wonderful.
Oh gosh he is sooo stinkin cuuute!!! Love it!
Oh Jenn...what a lovely post with the sweetest pics ever! Thanks for sharing Sam with us!!
Beautiful pics & the most gorgeous baby boy ever!
He's growing up sooo fast.
Jenn he is so adorable and your pics are fabulous! I love the lighting!
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