This winter THIS shirt has been one of her favorites. So I thought I'd do a similar version for spring. Of course layering on cold days works too ;) I still have one more blank tee and can't wait to sift through all the comments before diving into that one!
This is one of the tees I made for my little man. I planned on sharing him IN the tee to up the cute factor. But I apparently grossly mis-judged the size of his noggin and will need to re-create the hat (this one is now residing in our enormous pile of Bitty Baby clothes). Ok...so my little man has grown I guess.
And speaking of little men.

These two are best buds. Ok. Actually his mom and I are best buds and they are just usually along for the ride. But that is all about to change. Today they were just a stitch playing the "let me steal your sock and make you belly laugh game". Sam was enthralled with W's nifty orange socks (they were awfully cute...as was his "squeeze-me lemon tee". And W was equally enamored with Sam's attention. Pretty cute little duo!

Ok. ok. I know you are only reading to find out if you won the contest. But my mom insisted on a few photos of the kids. Oblige the woman ok?!
Due to the vast creativity of my fellow bloggers...and my inability to choose just one great idea (you all are just so clever)...I am resorting to the random number generator.
Drum roll please. Ok...that was dorky...
EILEEN THE BEAN! You are my WINNER you luck dog you! Email me from my sidebar so I can hook you up with a tee!
That was so much fun I just might run another contest here soon so keep checking back!
ok...LOVE that guitar shirt... Emma would be all over that! Do you have a website you sell stuff on?
Such cute tee's!!! Man I wish we could get our little men together to play. It would be so funny to watch them.
Oh, those tees both turned out super cute! Please show off what else you come up with as I'm sure many of us are going through takeabow withdrawal...pretty please with a cherry on top. :)
eh..bumbo party! that last pic just cracks me up:)
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