come know you missed me :) That must be why my inbox was flooded with pleas for a new blog post. didn't notice you say? Well shoot. Maybe it is just my mom who reads this blog after all. Ah well.
Just got back from a little spring break trip to see a few of my very favorite people. Took a trip to the big, pink house to see The Writer and spend a few days sans kids doing wonderfully delightful grown up things (like antiquing, eating lunch at quaint coffee shops, and talking for hours). I did some
photo journaling for a story she is writing on downtown dining for Nebraska Life Magazine. Pretty cool. This little diner will be one of her features.

I got to spend some frivolous time too with some of my favorite nieces. My girls ADORE this little gal. She is low-man-on-the-totem-pole at her house being the youngest. But to my girls she pretty much hung the moon. She took me outside and showed me the ropes....literally. This girl's got some serious
jumpin moves!

Check out that face. Talk about determination!

After a brief visit, my sister and I headed to my parent's house to take part in a surprise birthday party for my mom. We've known about it for a few weeks and keeping the secret has been nothing short of a miracle. We had so many flub ups and lies it was comical....and in the end...our entire plan crumbled and my sister called me on my
cel phone from my parent's bathroom in a panic that our plans had been spoiled. But it all worked out...and we whisked her off in a limo for a night on the town. THANKS Sharon for a fun night. Look at these wild and crazy gals!

You can say it. Is my mom hot or what? She was such a trooper...especially when I was all..."hey mom, jump up on that train over there and flash me a smile." But she does look awfully cute doesn't she?

We even let her stop for a phone call. Although she may have been making arrangements for someone to come and rescue her!

I checked out a few spots for possible future sessions along the way.

We ended with an impromptu family get together. My sweet husband had planned to coral the kids back in Kansas City for the weekend. Instead he drove them all to Nebraska on Saturday to help me solve the little problem I created when I bought two aqua 1960's armchairs and tried to squeeze them in my Honda Accord. He came to my rescue with the mini van and now they reside in my basement :) They deserve a post unto their own...they are divine!
My Gaga came over for lunch. It is always a special treat to spend some time with her.

And for her to see the kids. I love that they love her.

And now I'm home recuperating from my whirlwind of a trip.
A couple fun family quotes to brighten your night :)
Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts - Unknown
Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain - Martin Mull
Remember as far as anyone knows, we are a nice, normal family - Homer Simpson
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city - George Burns
My family is really boring. They have a coffee table book called 'Pictures We Took Just to Use Up the Rest of the Film' - Penelope Lombard
and a sentiment I love:
Having a place to go - is a home, Having someone to love - is a family, Having both - is a blessing. - Donna Hedges