2. make gourmet meals for my family...ok....I haven't cooked at all
3. keep my house sparkling clean
4. hold even one phone conversation without endless badgering from needy toddlers
5. document Sam's 9 month month-day (hoping to do this soon as I am feeling fairly guilty
about this one)
6. mail the birthday gifts that are still sitting (unwrapped) on my bedroom dresser
7. pick up my camera and practice on someone willing to smile
8. finish the pile of half-sewn projects on my cutting table
9. return phone calls (sorry if you are awaiting a call from me...please see above)
10. sleep
What I have accomplished:
1. read countless chapters of Junie B. Jones while snuggling 2 sleepy girls in bed
2. practiced crawling and pulling up with my main man
3. listened to excited stories, tall tales, and juicy kindergarten gossip
4. indulged in retail therapy with a "a bit" of online shopping
5. sat bleary eyed in front of the computer...too tired to get up and actually get to bed
6. folded laundry and prayed for the tiny feet that fit in countless socks
7. missed my best friend and thanked God for a husband who helps out around here
8. listened to a rain storm in bed (and the gentle snoring of a few little bed mates)
9. watched and guided little violin hands getting ready for a big recital
10. yawned and stumbled my way through the day and then woke up and did it again
I'll be happy when our family is all here...safe and sound in our home!
And because a post isn't any fun without a picture.
A Day in the Life of Four.

a. lunch habits: peanut butter and jelly with not too much jelly, cheetos, grapes, and a glass of milk.
everyday. no exceptions.
b. a "brave" makes the world a better place.
c. her favorite shoes.
d. little princesses all lined up
Off to check off #10 from my list. night all. sleep tight.
This is my all-time favorite post of yours. Just beautiful. All the things I think every day, but can't put into words. Thank you.
I am sure it has been rough...but love your list of things you HAVE done...beautiful!
Love the ballet shoe shot for some reason esp...
showers are overrated. just roll on another layer of deodorant. ;) been praying for you this week, sweets. xo.
Hi Jenn!!! Thanks for ringing me up! I have caught a TERRIBLE SNIFFLE... UGH...
Sounds like you ARE getting LOTS done... whether you realize it or not... :o)
Not much longer Friend!
Love, Lala
Just 2 more days!
i'm a "single" mom this week, too. i want to post our week, but think a work out and bed is calling instead. i've had a lot of fun w/ the girls...but am so thankful that hubby is coming home & helps out so much, too!! = )
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