Last week he was still a gum-less wonder...and now he is sporting 2 new teeth (and a third tooth that has cut in about half way).

Remember my new chairs? They are so groovy. I love them with my whole being. I love how they so conveniently match my business colors. They will look so very swell in the shabby studio I have yet to find. I plopped Sam up in them tonight and he began to squeal and belly laugh...about the same response I gave when I first spotted them in the antique store in Grand Island, NE (not exactly a true tropical oasis but the antique shopping is mighty fine).

So we took a couple of pictures with them for fun.

Played the "you wave to me and I'll wave to you" game.

And showed off one of our new Olive Jane diaper covers.

Then we really topped off the evening by taking a peek outside at the girls enjoying SPRING IN KANSAS.

We've got about 5" on the ground and it is still coming. My poor daffodils. They are gonners.

That may have been the clincher for me. I'm feeling more than a bit over the edge...needing some sunshine and a good dose of chocolate. Or maybe just a day of antiquing for a few more treasures.
Hurry up spring.
Hi Jenn!!! OH... those chairs are FABULOUS!!! And YIPEE on the pearly whites too!!!
FINALLY... OUR weather TRUMPS yours... we were 57* here today... NO SNOW.. (but we're not outta the woods yet!)... the girls look like they had a BLAST!!!
Love, Lala
LOVE the chairs! What a great find and definitely worth the effort to get them home. That little S is growing up so fast. Holy cow!
Also? That's a lotta snow and freaks me out. I'm officially done whining about our five straight days of rain after seeing that.
Oh my! Pulling up and steps!! It's only been like 6 days since I've seen him! Time is going by too quickly!
TDF chairs!!! How cute is Sam in his rocket diaper cover?!?!?! Such a cutie!
Hey Jenn! I'm so wishing I lived closer so that I could tag along on your amazing antiqueing adventures. Those chairs are scrumptous and just perfect for your photography. I look forward to seeing you in May!
sigh...I'm in love. not your chairs, I'm too old, but the wee little one...I'm in love. big sigh.
Such a treat to come check on what you're up to. All adorable...baby S and the chairs. Rock on.
gorgeous chairs - scrumptious baby - and divine photos!!! How do you do it all!
I just love your blog. I love looking at your pictures. You are an amazing photographer. Your little guy is d.a.r.l.i.n.g.
Thanks for sharing your talent.
Oh and your chairs, love em'
lovin' those chairs! can't believe how BIG sam is already!
and i love those diaper covers! do you cloth diaper?? i just start about a month ago and regret that i didn't do it before!
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