Don't let the picture fool you. A was blissfully unaware of the fundamentals of the game for most of the morning. I love that about her. While several girls on the opposing team elbowed their way to the goal, stomped feet , and pouted...A was happy to simply chase the ball (in any direction!) and giggle with her friends.

She played hard and had a fun time (and looked darn cute)...and thankfully...that is all her coach expects. And while the blue team could pass, dribble, line up their shots and shoot mid-field....our dear red team definitely took the prize for sweetest dispositions. And once their coach reminded them which goal was theirs...they even scored a few!

Kindergarten buddies...already fast friends :)

We'll be spending most Saturday mornings on the field this fall. More pictures to follow soon!
Just too cute for words!!!
Hi Jenn!!! How ADORABLE!!! Hey... who cares whether or not you know how to play... as long as you look DARN CUTE doin' it right??? I love the pic of the coach talkin' to the team!!!
Thanks for sharing and GOOD FUN "A" this soccer season!!!
Love, Lala :o)
Jenn you have the sweetest blog ever. I love looking at your precious photos! Thanks for sharing!
i totally saw her on the field this morning, and recognized her from your blog! how funny is that? i had a feeling that you'd have pictures up and i just had to come check. (i forgot to replace the memory card in my camera by the way) aidan just got done with his first game and we were leaving...i looked around for you, but the field was crazy! i guess there's an upside to being the first scheduled game of the day! ;-)
OK... I want whatever camera/lens you have!!! Your pictures are truly AMAZING... so sharp even in motion. WOW!
Wanted to thank you for the sweet comment on my blog and all the wonderful suggestions for my booth. I love them all. I will seriously consider doing the life-size pictures of the girls as you suggested. I wish now I had a larger area to play with. I only have a 10' x 10' booth and already so many things to fit in there but I must make some room for the girls. :)
i just love soccer at this age! my littlest guy is playing kindergarten soccer too...he kicked the ball into the net twice yesterday (thankfully the right one) and had absolutely no idea he scored. classic. :)
A looks like she's having a great time!
Yeah, that is pretty cute :)
Isn't it funny how the kids are more excited about the snack sometimes? At least, that's what happens here...
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