Just popped in to share a different conversion from last night's mini session :) I've still been unable to figure out why my images aren't clear on my blog. This photo is tack sharp in CS4 but if I re-size (even with an extra unsharpen mask) it loses clarity once I load it into blogger (I'm hosting it myself). So who knows the magic secret??

Which one do you like better? Color vs. Vintage?
So precious!!
Where do you host your photos? Is your host downgrading them?
Vintage is my fave! Such sweet photos - love that vintage rocking horse!!
Not sure about the clarity thing, but just wanted to say I like both conversions but I think I like the vintage look better because the toy is vintage.
Poor Sam--try the whole milk version of lactaid and see if that helps. If it is consistently happening, he could have an intolerance to lactose. Sometimes kids can eat cheese and yogurt and not have the same reaction as when they drink milk...don't know much about photography but the photos sure are adorable! Love them in both finishes!
Poor Sam, I hope milk will be his friend!!
LOVE the vintage...I NEED that horsie, that's AWESOME!!
Beautiful pics, as always! ;)
Sam may have a milk allergy. My daughter has the same problem but can eat cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc without a problem. Our allergist says that often depends on how the milk protein is mixed with the other foods in the product. My daughter drinks soy. Good luck!
HI!!! I have been SUPER busy lately and reading posts through my RSS Feed, but thought I would pop over to leave you a little blog love this morning!
You have been sharing so many great images lately! I am insanely jealous of all the green and great backdrops you have at your fingertips! Here, not so much!
Anyway, not sure on the whole reason why pics are more clear in Photoshop, but mine are the same way. The coloring is better too. I just try not to notice or worry about it!!! If you figure it out though, let me know!
Hope you are getting lots done this week with your girlies off playing!
love them both, but partial to the feel of the vintagey processing. sam is such a looker. :)
could you try hosting on flickr and pasting in here...then see if you're still experiencing the loss of clarity? that way maybe you could find out if it's a hosting issue??
I don't know if you would be willing to try Soy. But that is what we did for our little gal and she's still drinking it. She does fine with milk products like cheese & cottage cheese, but drinking milk gives her fits. We've tried taking her off of it, and it's always the same result. Just a thought...maybe you don't have to do milk...do soy.
Vintage is great because of the horse, but I think the color makes your little guy stand out more. LOVE the horse though and the vintage definitely appeals to it.
Have you figured this out yet? I was going to suggest resizing first, then all the editing.
Hosting on flickr has enabled me to post larger versions without blogger shrinking it on me when I post.
I'm going against the grain here & saying I like the color best, especially since all the colors in the shot blend so well!
Oh, and maybe try vanilla rice milk? I have a friend whose kids have milk allergy issues & they like this a lot, even for cooking/baking.
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