I seem to have some sort of fruit fetish. As I was organizing my fabric stash I realized I had inadvertently hoarded an obscene amount of fruit themed fabric. I'm am especially a sucker for cherries and strawberries apparently! So in order to clean out my stash a bit (and because fruit is so FUN for summer!) I am offering this FRUIT SALAD collection! I have listed FIVE new auction on
ebay this week. All of the outfits are ready to ship and have a BIN option so you can have them on your doorstep quickly! Stop by and check them out!!
POSITIVELY PEAR Halter Set - Size 3/4/5
SWEET APPLE Twirl Dress - Size 2/3/4
CHEERY CHERRY Halter Set - Size 3/4/5

And because I thought is was too much fun (shows how little I truly get out!)...take this little
QUIZ and find out what kind of fruit you are!! I was a strawberry...might explain a few things :)

Hi Jenn!!! OK... I answered the quiz ?s HONESTLY... and I ended up a BANANA!!! LOL... fun though!
Everything looks GREAT!!!
Love, Lala
I am a banana too! That was fun and girl loving the fruit salad collection. Your creations are always a delight to look at:)
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