I don't know why I get the urge to clean when I am sick. It is probably something I should see a therapist about. But this week while battling a sinus infection (poor J has been sick all week too)...I tackled my sewing studio. Maybe the extra junk in my head was a reminder of my overflowing fabric shelves...or maybe I just tripped too many times over all the debris on the floor. Either way it became my week's mission to purge, organize, and sort my fabric, ribbon, blankets, and other assorted notions. I still need to add some spunk and "take a Bow" style to the space. Right now it lacks any real inspiration. But it is CLEAN and I must show it off before my next project sends tiny fabric pieces hurtling into the air!
This is my fabric shelving. My newest goal...if it doesn't fit...I can't have it! After sending off yards and yards of fabric to other happy homes I have room for about 3 more yards :) Cottons prints are stacked to the far right, cotton dots next by color. Knits are on the right bookcase (I think they have overtaken my life...something else to discuss with the therapist)...denims and corduroys below.
After sending off a huge box of scraps to my "funky" friend for her fabulous decoupage jeans...I folded the rest in a two drawer cabinet. Outdated fabrics were sent to a better place where only the best of fabrics go...may they rest in peace :)

My father in law made this handy ribbon holder for me a couple of year ago. And although I have used up a lot of my ribbon stash (you would have to see the 3 dresser drawers full of bows in the girl's bathroom)...there is still plenty to display.

And because I'm camera happy, I'll share some of my favorite spots in my studio. This is my magnetic wipe board. Right now I am gathering inspiration from A's super cute drawings. Look how cute I look in my stripworked twirl skirt!! I think she has some serious design potential!

And my beloved pin cushions! If you haven't purchased one from April of
RUN to ebay and get one for yourself! Here is her about me page to tempt
you all the more!

My beloved PINK scale...won on ebay from a favorite seller (and buddy) of mine. It is kitschy cool...all that I inspire to be!

And my antique Mason jars. I'd love to find a spot to display the rest of them. Hmmm....I have been looking for the perfect containers for my buttons. I'll have to play around with that idea.

That concludes my little sewing studio tour. If you made it this far through this post you deserve a cookie...or maybe a yard of fabric or two! I know some of you have some pretty fabulous spaces...if you have suggestions for me...throw them my way!! Back to the Land of Sinus. J asked yesterday, "WHY are the boogers staying here all day???" And while we have both felt miserable, a little organization never hurt anyone!