If you have been over to ebay this week...you have probably noticed things seem a bit slow. And if you haven't heard about the changes ebay has made in fees and feedback you definitely need to check it out! Ebay is proposing a substantial fee increase as well as the removal of the feedback system for buyers! Read more about their proposed changes
here. Or if video is more your style...check out this
video on youtube. Many sellers are boycotting selling on ebay this week. Many have moved over to
Etsy to try out their hand at a different venue. And some sellers (myself included) are just sitting around scratching their heads wondering what in the world they are going to do! But for now A and J are ON STRIKE. No boutique photos at our house this week...it is all about sweatpants and messy hair. And of course a couple of projects I have up my sleeve ;) More on that to come!
LOL! Love the picture! I don't know about you, but I needed a change of pace. hee hee
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. I have bookmarked your blog and will visit often... it is lovely!
Hi Jenn,
I don't know if you remember me, but we've bought some amazing sets from you. I found you through Nic's blog. I'd love to keep up on your creations. I've been selling alot of the girls sets that no longer fit, but my daughter won't let go of her aloha mickey set you made her.
Oh, and I also go by Kari (somethingsillyjake).
Hi Kari! Of course I remember you :) You can sign up for my mailing list on ebay too if you'd like emails when I list new things...or just check here...I usually post my newest sets on my blog!! Hope you'll stop by again!
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