I love how it turned out! Now...can anyone help me with this?? Why are the colors so much more vibrant in Photoshop? When I load it into blogger (I'm hosting the image myself) it takes on a grey cast. I've never had any issues with my original files when I send them to the lab so I can't figure out what might be the problem!
I'm working on a whole new blog to debut soon. More room for BIGGER images...some fun new graphics...and lots of new posts. I've debated back and forth about having two separate blogs (one for business and one for family) but ultimately decided to stick with just one. I like that my clients get to see the personal side of my life...and that my friends and family can keep tabs on what I'm doing with my business.
What do YOU think? What kinds of posts do you love to read? Does my business rambling bore you? Any suggestions for posts you'd love to see? Come on...now is your chance :)
We are heading off to THE BEACH in less than 24 hours for a MUCH needed getaway. So let's have a little fun while I'm away...ASK ME ANYTHING! I get lots of emails each week asking all sorts of things: photography tips, where I shop, what my kids are up to, etc. Put your questions in the comment section and when I get back I'll answer ALL of them! And to make it even more fun...I'll throw in a giveaway for one lucky commenter...something BEACHY from my trip!
You all talk amongst yourselves...I'll be back in a week to join in the fun!
Have fun at the beach!!! Hope you have a chance to snap some photos while you're there - I love beach portraits!!
OK, got 2 photography related Q's. First, any tips for capturing catchlights? The eyes of the subjects in your photos are always so beautiful and radiant. Any tips on light angles? Second, lately I can't seem to get the "sharpness" function to work in Picasa. When it does, by the time I save/export it loses it back again. I know you probably use Photoshop more these days, but any thoughts???
Have a great time! Can't wait to see the new & improved blog :)
Photography related questions for me too! Where do you get your storyboards printed? What lens do you use most often? I converted from a Canon to a Nikon so I'm looking for tips. Have a great time on the beach!
I adore your photos, the family updates and shots of inside your home, you have wonderful style! I'd love to see more of your home decor.
ahh!!!! It ate my long comment! I would love advice for super-beginning photographers. Like those that don't even have an SLR, just a digital that has some manual capabilites that I don't take advantage of. Help me! I get overwhelmed by most photography books/sites very easily.
have to know where you get those tutus and other fun accessories! : ) LOVE YOUR BLOG JENN!
I think it's a great idea to keep your personal and professional blogs combined. It seems both aspects are so intertwined. I have to agree with Julie...the nosy side of me loves when you post little bits of your decor projects around the house. But here's my question, even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer to it...do you think you will EVER do any custom kid's clothing designs again? I am still regretting not having one of your peasant knit dresses made for my daughter last year! Have a fun trip :)
Have fun at the beach! We are counting the down the days until our vacation!
My question is where you get the very cute flowers your girls are wearing in their hair?
Love your blog! :) Kim
Love the storyboard! I really enjoy your home decor posts... homemade goodness posts...well I pretty much dig them all.
I would love a recomendation for an all around fabulous lens, I just got a Canon Rebel. I'm also wondering how\where you store all of your photos?
Enjoy your vaca!
love it all jenn! have a great getaway, and see you at the end of june for the cousins shoot!
Do you still make your girls clothes? Do you miss sewing? I enjoy reading about your children, seeing the personal side of you as well as the business side.
Have a wonderful vacation!
I personally love the mix of personal and professional. I too would love to see more of your home, you have such great style. And I would also love it if you started adding tags to your posts. It would make your blog even more of a resource for anyone wanting to look back at say, all the newborn photoshoots to get ideas of how to photograph their own kids. Or birthday party ideas, or your clothing designs, etc...
I assume you made the blouses your girls wore to Sam's party. They are ADORABLE!!! I would love to know what pattern you used.
You are just so creative, I'm sure anything you are willing to share with us would be a hit. I always get super excited when I see you have a new post up.
My question is, since you are no longer doing kids clothing would you be willing to reveil your source for those fabulous knits you always seem to have. I have searched everywhere and come up empty handed, I am about ready to start thinking they are jersey bedsheets :) Thanks
Hi Jen, Your blog is one of my fave's, so I'm pleased you have decided to keep it both personal and business, I love your style and the children always look so beautiful! My question is, Do you have more than 24 hours in your day? I'm amazed how much you seem to fit into a day, whats the secret??? :)
PS, please don't enter me into your competion as I'm from the UK!
Claire xxx
PS Hope you have a great time at the beach!! x
Have fun, sounds wonderful! :-)
I love the party ideas and themes/colors/ooutfits always coordinationg .... What has been birthday theme and/or party you have thrown? Why? What was your favorite part/item? ... and if I can add another some what on topic, which one ended up not turning out quite as good as you visioned? and why?
I like your blog for the fun crisp bright big photos. and your kids oh wow! I'm glad youre keeping one blog to do both, I think it keeps blogs MORE interesting to see the "well-rounded" person.
My question would be: do you do any sewing/crafting yet... and if you do show us some stuff!
Have a great vacation!
ok, here's my question: are you a bonafide human being, or do you just exist as a figment of my imagination? you are just all sorts of amazing, girl. :)
Hope you are having a fabulously fun trip!! :) I am sure it is flying by!
Ahhh...questions?! Hmm...I seem to email mine to you as I think of them! I guess I could ask how the house selling situation is coming along?
Thanks for being so willing to share so much! My sweet girl is getting that denim Gap dress your little one was sporting in some pics from a few weeks ago for her birthday courtesy of Grandma! :) LOVE!
I debated and debated over whether or not to separate my photo blog and personal blogs too but ended up sticking with one for the same reasons you listed! I think people like to feel like they get to know all of you...personal and professional.
I have never played with a story board but love that one so I may have to give it a whirl! Did you buy it or download it and from where?!
Okay...enough babble! We are all looking forward to you getting back and posting some more of your fab pics!
Hope you're having fun at the beach-can't wait to see the pics! Hmmmm-questions...How did you learn the photography basics, exposure, finding the right light, etc.?...and...What is your post processing like? Do you use any particular actions? How did you learn this part of photography?...one more...Any tutorials in your future?
Hello! I hope you had a great time, and I can't wait to see your pictures!
Right now, I have a digital camera that I am just about to wear out taking photos. When it is time to get a new camera, I'd like to take it to the next level, but can't go extreme yet.
What would you recommend as a step above a digital camera that could be built upon slowly?
Also, how do you store your photo files?
Hope you are having a fabulous time! I am eager to read some of your answers!!!
i love that you weave personal and business into your blog!
i love fun, get-to-know-you questions:
favorite food?
favorite family night?
how did you and your husband meet?
Jen, I can't tell you how much WE LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Enjoy reading your personal as well as your family updates! Your pictures are always so captivating and I swear sometime my aunt Sharon and I (the one that works with your mom) are going to make a trip down there for you to take pictures of Kayin. We actually just got done having a photo shoot with a friend of ours and Kayin is the star of several of her galleries---she is just so much fun (as you probably know how two year olds can be)!!!
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