had her end of the semester "parent watch week" at ballet last week. Her class will have a formal recital in the spring which will include costumes and a longer performance. She was pretty darn cute in her fluffy tutu rockin out to "Jingle Bells"...and who can resist a room full of flutterying butterflies?

With her teacher and a mouthful of candy cane :)

Her class waiting for instructions...

All lined up for a "formal" picture.

So many "lasts" happening this week...last day of school...end of the semester parties...final recitals...etc. Kind of funny since we'll all be back in just a few short weeks!
Hi Jenn!!! How adorable they all are!!!
She's going to LOOOOOOVE Spring Recital!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Love, Lala :o)
cute cute CUTE! I love little dancers :)
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