This is a before shot of the dresser just as a teaser ;) I had planned on removing some of the decals but realized there was a ridge along the face of the drawers. So I kept everything in tact. I literally thought it would take WEEKS to get this project completed. My hubby and I had a serious "discussion" about whether or not to pay to have this furniture painted (I was in favor)...I know shocking...but like I've said before...I'm a "time is money kind of gal". Obviously he won. And I suppose I owe him some sort of apology for my behavior but since her doesn't read this blog there is no use in letting him know he was right ;)
I did take a break from all the painting Saturday to watch J in her very first ever violin recital. It was a complete deja vue...watching J up on that stage doing what A was doing just a couple of years ago.

She was so poised and sure of herself up on that big, lonely stage. Pretty darn cute too don't you think? It always helps steal the heart of your audience when you are a head and shoulders smaller than everyone else ;)

Love this little guy turned around the wrong direction :)

And a cute shot of A with stern concentration. Her teacher scheduled a piece on the program that A had just started...she spent the next two weeks practicing SO hard so that she could play that piece with the rest of the kids. And guess what? She did. And she did a darn good job too.

Will be back tomorrow with all sort of bedroom yumminess!
The girls are both asleep in J's new bed as I type...J invited A to an inaugural sleepover in her new bed. Their discussion went something like this:
J: Would you like to have a sleepover in my comfy new bed tonight?
A: Why yes I would. And tomorrow would you like to come to my bed for a sleepover? I'd be happy to make you an invitation.
J: That's silly...we live in the same house.
A: Just trying to be polite!
Stop back tomorrow!
so adorable! the dresser is pretty cute as is, i'm sure you'll figure out how to make it even cuter! don't you love how our hubbies think we just have all this free time on our hands? ;-) the recital photos are adorable too...hope you're bringing your fancy camera to dance so we can mooch off your mad photog skills!
Hi Jenn!!! Thanks for ringing me up Saturday!!! OH... what a visual I get of you with lasagna noodle arms... :o) I can't WAIT to see teh end results!!!
You KNOW I love the girls in recital garb! Those skirts are ADORABLE... :o)
Thanks for all the pixel help!!! You are my IT girl!!!
Love, Lala XOXO
This is soooo cute. I used to play the violin. Oh man, I miss it. I wish all the time that I hadn't sold that thing. And your girls are so adorable. I love those black skirts. So chic! Did you make them?
They both look so adorable up there playing their violins. So sweet to see.
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