So there are piles of laundry to do...empty suitcases to put away...and my floors could use some serious attention. But I've been bit by the Christmas bug and didn't even try to resist! The girls helped me decorate our big family tree (I'll admit to just a wee bit of rearranging once they were in bed) and I spent the afternoon crafting!
I've been searching for a fun centerpiece for our round dining room table. Something simple, festive, and personal. And something that would last beyond Christmas. I must say...I'm really happy with the final result!
I started with a glass hurricane filled with a couple of inches of fake snow. I snipped a budding branch from a tree in our backyard...added a few pine cones (I may switch these out for some pretty Christmas ornaments for our holiday dinners)...and some images of the kids! I drizzled a bit of hot glue on the tips of the branches and dusted them with the snow. For the pictures I simply printed sepia images on cardstock on my home printer and burned the edges with a lighter. They look like little vintage postcards and really tie in with the round, beaded placemats I scored at Kohl on Black Friday!
I think you could play up this idea with lots of different "fillers"...shells from a beach vacation with a few black and white images...tiny jewel-toned ornaments with striking color photos, etc.
If you try this at sure to snap a picture to share! I'd love to see!
Once our decorating was finished (and kiddos were up from their naps)...we indulged in a little NO-BAKE treat. Now...if you know me AT know I am no chef. You will rarely find delectable recipes on this blog because...well...I don't cook. But these little treats are SO simple and yummy. And my girls truly believe they are real cookies...which makes me happy! They couldn't be easier to make.
Banana "Cookies":
1. Throw a handful of Nilla wafers into a gallon sized ziplock.
2. Crush using a rolling pin.
3. Slice a banana in 1" chunks and top in the bag.
4. Shake and serve. to do the laundry that I have been neglecting...and to see about those floors!
Love the burnt edge photos! What a good idea...i'm going to try that myself. :)
Hi Jenn!!! LOVE the centerpiece!!! Great idea... I can see changing out the photos and "props" for an all year round centerpiece!!! The girls look adorable... don't worry... I'm not a cook either (according to my MIL... LOL)
Hope all is well!!!
Love, Lala XOXO
Great centerpiece idea!!! I don't think mine would turn out nearly as cute but I may try anyway :)
Love the banana cookies too! Thanks!
ps. I'm no chef either ;)
I LOVE that centerpiece idea...I have a couple of glass hurricanes being stored right now...I'm totally going to borrow that one!!
I am going to make those this kids go through bananas here, I'm buying them twice a week it seems!!
LOVE all this crafty goodness (and I SO don't believe you can't cook...sorry)! ;)
ok, we made the Nilla Wafer cookies using ONE banana first...they were good, yeah...but something was missing....we decided it was THE PUDDING.
Whipped up a bowl of sugar free vanilla pudding, cut another banana...dipped the pieces in the pudding, THEN rolled in nilla wafers...HEAVENLY, just like a wee, little bitty bite of banana pudding! ;)
So yummy!
i'm gonna start calling you martha (in addition to the midas girl)...
sweet stuff, girlie. i especially love the centerpiece. i just started a handmade christmas flickr group...i'll send you an invite if you're interested. :)
Hi Jenn!!!! I (your un-crafty blog reader friend) made, yes, I made your lovely centerpiece!!!! It didn't turn out too bad either! Where can I send you a pic? Email addy? Thanks for sharing, it looks so great on my coffee table!!
Smiles :0)
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