I feel rather proud of this little hoodie (please don't tell me if it is fruity...since I'm doubtful I will attempt this again). Click HERE to see more cute pictures of my guy and view the auction.
Now for the FUN STUFF!
I have been working on making my ~take a bow~ business more concise...working on a website (still to come) and streamlining my business cards and logo. After several hours of design work, I gave up and called in the troops...aka Traci of Leeziebee. If you have never worked with her...she is phenomenal...you won't be sorry!
LOTS to do here in the next 18 hours before I LEAVE FOR QUILT MARKET! I will have TONS to share when I return...but until then....let's have a CONTEST?!?!?!
I am so excited for the chance to meet so many talented people in Houston! Make a comment on this post while I am gone and you will be entered to win a SURPRISE prize straight from my sewing studio (don't worry...it will be something FUN and FUNKY!!) Just tell me who you would like to meet if you could meet anyone! The more people who post...the better the prize so pass the word and get posting!
Until next week,
Mercy, you busy woman!!
I LOVE those cards...Traci IS a magician, I love that girl!!
That link to the little guy auction is not working for me, I'll try again later. I bet it is CUUUUUUTE & not the LEAST bit "fruity" (a word right out of my own mouth there)! ;)
Have fun at the Quilt Auction & I HOPE you are feeling all better now (from your ER visit awhile back). :)
oh & I would like to meet Anna Maria Horner. A local friend of mine knows her personally & speaks so highly of her, she sounds like she is a really fun person to be around!
LOVE the stripey outfit! And it was always so hard to find cute clothes when my son was a babe. :-)
If I could meet anyone ... probably Madonna. I know shallow, boring and kinda lame but I have always loved an artist and she has staying power. I wondered if she would speak to me in her british accent?! LOL!
Humm...couldn't find your items on ebay. Keep up the good work! I guess I would have to say Brad Pitt. Who doesn't love that man!?
I'd love to meet Drew Barrymore. She seems so kind and optimistic. I need to be around that kind of energy right now.
the hoodie is adorable, not the least bit fruity! have fun in TX!!
That David Beckham is one foxy guy! I'd love to meet him while Skinny Spice - oopsie, I mean Posh Spice, is out of town. He's one big hunk o' burnin love. YUMMY!!!!!!!
Hope you are feeling better. Love your new branding. Your little man and his new outfit are precious.
If I could meet anyone and hopefully learn from her it would be Brianna Graham. I love her unique, edgy photography.
Okay, I'm always in for a freebie...although I NEVER win anything! From my PAST is my GRANDFATHER (my dad's dad)...I've always wished I could meet the man in the photos...he died 9 months before I was born...:) From my FUTURE I hope to meet MY kiddos...children & family. I can only pray the Lord will bless us with those moments! BUT...definitely way in the FUTURE...they are only 5 and 2! PRESENT...Brad Pitt...not sure what I'd do if I did...just look at him I guess. :)
Oh yeah...I forgot to say...I hope you feel better (from you previous birthday post)! I hope you have a safe flight to the Market! And the cards look great. She did our Christmas Cards last year...she's very good at what she does!
Your work is amazing!! If I could meet anyone, I would want to meet Kimora Lee Simmons. Just to pick her brain and see where she gets her creative juices from. I LOVE her daughters line of clothes as well, soo cute!
The hoodie is perfect, definitely BOY, so cute!!
Great work by Traci on the business cards, I love the ME page she designed for me :)
Wow-you are amazing!
If I could meet anyone---it would probably be Sara McLachlan, and I'd of course talk her into singing for me.
So cute, Im still working on having a little boy! right now everthing is girly! But I do love it.
If i could meet anyone right at this moment I think i would want to meet my moms real mother. I cant seem to track her down.
I live in Houston and am itching at the chance to ever be able to go to Quilt Market, but I'll have to live vicariously through all those that are going and enjoy pictures from their blogs. If I could meet anyone at Quilt Market, it would have to be all of the bloggers that comment on my blog and also those who I've gotten to know through blogging. Wouldn't that be so cool? :) Have fun here in Houston!
Fun stuff! Love the baby boy outfit! Too cute!! I only dream of being as talented as you are! Who do I want to meet right now? My new friend, Erin Edwards of The Vintage Pearl :), and someone famous.... hmmmm. That's a toughy, but I think it would have to be Christian Bale. He is SOOOOO [dare I say this as a married woman] HOT! ;)
Hi Jenn!!! Love Super Sam's little hoodie!!! CLEVER with the date on the back!!!
Travel SAFELY and have LOTS of fun at Market!!! Can't wait for SPRING!!! :o)
Hmmmmm... DEFINITELY would like to meet up with YOU... and JONA would be my pick for a meet and greet!!!
BLog about your trip when you can!!!
Love, Lala XOXO
Can't wait to hear about your trip! I would LOVE to meet Amy Butler. She's amazing.
And your little boy is ADORABLE.
If I could meet ANYONE, it would be myself about 60 years from now. First, I would know that I lived to a happy age past 90. Next, I could learn all kinds of "hindsight is 20/20 info" to improve my decisions and behavior today. I would be able to learn about my children as adults. Meeting myself 60 years from now would be the perfect 'crystal ball' to guide my everyday life.
That is too cute!! I love the hoodie- not fruity at all!
I would love to meet all my boutique buddies.
Hi Jenn!
Hope you are having fun at quilt market! wish i had been able to go.
I love that outfit you made with the hoodie with the most adorable little fella!
In answering your question....I would really love to meet Amy Butler, I know there are soo many wonderful designers & if I could meet them all I definitely would, there are also actors & actresses, but I've been into sewing & quilting so much A.B. would have to be it. she hasn't come out with a fabric line that I didn't love so I would like to pick her brain and find out where she gets her inspiration & snag some goodies too!
Good Luck to everyone here!
ok, LOVE the new outfit and LOVE the business cards!
no need to enter me in your contest because i won one of your previous ones (and it was a mighty good prize, y'all), and it just wouldn't be fair to the rest of humanity if i win twice. :) i'd still like to answer the question, though, because as i've said many a time before--it would be absolutely heavenly to meet you!
brad pitt is a close second.
I love the headbands you made for Patty Young! Too cute.
If I could meet anyone in the fabric world, I think it would have to be Heather Bailey... but Anna Maria Horner would be a close second. I just adore their work and their creativity in so many forms.
Hey, just saw this pic of you on another blog. Thought you'd want to know. :)
I love that cute hoodie on Sam. I better start figuring out sewing with knits in case we have a boy too.
How lucky to go to quilt market in Houston. If I could get to see anyone, I'd pick a plane ticket to see my sisters! We're spread out all over the states even though we're born and raised Canadians. Even my sister-in-law was born and raised in Puerto Rico but we've ended up scattered all over the USA!
Baby Boy just KILLS me... he is the only baby in ages that makes my uterus ache for another baby! Love the wee robot almost as much. ;) Perfectly BOY!
Traci did FABULOUS work as always...She rocks!
Who would I like to meet? Hmmm... Frank Sinatra or Tim Gunn. Is that an odd pairing??
Wandered over here from Confessions of a Craft Adict. Cute blog and cute outfit! It's adorable!
I would love to meet Sandi Henderson. I love her fabrics and I have more than 40 yards of it (and counting)!
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