And so to cheer myself up (and because I have nothing worthwhile to share today) is time to GIVE SOMETHING AWAY!!
I have been toying with the idea of hair accessories for bigger girls. Now that A is in kindergarten she would prefer not to wear bows anymore (GASP!) What's a boutique mom to do? I dug through my supplies and decided to experiment with some sweet fabric yo-yos and vintage buttons...I think the end result is pretty fun! These funky headbands are just right for your school girl who like to be "just a bit boutique"...pair them with a cute tee and jeans and she will still be the talk of the school (without feeling like a baby!)
SO HOW DO YOU GET YOUR OWN??? Well lucky day...I'm giving them away!! YOU MUST LEAVE A COMMENT HERE to be entered in the drawing! Tell me about a fun little girl in your life and I'll put your name in the hat! Even better....snag one of my pictures and post it on YOUR blog...and you'll increase your chance by getting your name in the hat FIVE TIMES (be sure to tell me that you have posted on your blog)!
The first name I draw will get their choice of which headband they prefer. 2nd and 3rd place winners will get the remaining two...but don't despair...they are all super cute!
tropical island
trendy tot
Winners will be drawn on Monday, Sept. 22nd!!!
love them!! especially the pink and brown one. while the headband will be great for miss a (in about 5 years :) my neice isabell is the "girliest" of girls- and the headbands are right up her alley. great giveaway- and again- your creativity rocks!
My little girls loves bows and she loves looking pretty! She won't stay out of my closet. She loves dressup!! She loves putting on plays!
so cute Jenn!!! what a great idea!!!
well you know my special big little girl Tessa :) she would love those headbands!
I'm sure you'll be selling a ton!
Tropical Island is my Fav.
I just made a doll for my daughter and was fussing on it last night... How can we love them so much. I want to always do FUN things with her. We are going out with a group today to go horseback riding!
((Aw, Jenn))
I'm sorry you had such a rough day...and it wasn't even Monday either! You are so sweet to end a bad day with a nice gesture.
Olivia has gotten PICKY about hair accessories (just wait, 1st graders...ugh)...headbands or just ONE basic bow every now & then is all I can get away with! I think all three are adorable, the Halloween one is my fave!
Great job on those, they will we well received! ;)
Sorry to hear about your rotten day. :( Hope today is 100 times better.
p.s. Don't enter me in the drawing, we are a long ways off from headbands. But they are super cute! Just wanted to wish you better days.
Ok, first of all...I'm sorry you have had such a BAD day!!! UGH! I feel for you girl!
Second, LOVE the headbands! They are gorgeous!
Have a better day :)
First, LOVE the headbands...Second: I too suffer from IBS...GEEZ, I do NOT heart IBS! It is terrible isn't it? I hope you are feeling better & I KNOW A's party will go off without a hitch!! Take care!!
These are adorable Jenn!!
Natty would look so stinkin cute in one ;)
Hi Jenn!!! OH MY... is it really possible to shut your head in the van door??? Wish I would've been there to help you up (after I composed myself... *wink*)... Hope you are feeling better soon with the rumblie tumblie...
Those headbands are STINKIN' CUTE!!! Let's see if I can figure out the picture snagging thing... :o)
Love, Lala :o)
My special little girl is actually my friend Carrie's daughter. She is 2, and just recently became a big sister. I think she could really use something special just for her as baby sister has been getting all the attention.
She's a very special little girl (I call her "baby girl"), and I really think she would love some hair pretties.
Gasp! I would love one, so cute! My Abby would love it, she is such a girly girl.
super cute ... I think my 3rd grader would wear those too! maybe? I really hope so. If not, I will!
Those are super cute Jenn! My almost 6 year old refuses to wear bows, but she will wear headbands, must to mommy's delight.
I have 2 little girls - Izzy would LOVE these - too cute.
Sorry to hear about your bad day. Hope today's was uneventful. Loved the interview with A.. she is such a cutie and funny too. My own D will be 5 late next month and loves boutique clothing. She has a short bob now and a headband would be perfect for her. They are the cutest...
Those are absolutely adorable. I was sorry to hear you little girl doesn't want bows anymore!
I'm not sure I could pick just one and these are SO SO CUTE! MY sweet "A" loves anything pretty and it's super hard to keep a bow in her hair...I'm always chasing them around. These headbands are such a NEAT idea to give them some spice without the "little" worry of where did that bow go!? :) Love em and you know those little girls will love em too!
holy cow those are cute! I have a new princess that would look so cute wearing one!
Ok...I must share about my sweet Chloe!! She absolutely not wear bows, but everytime I ask if she would like to put in a bow she says (very sweetly) "Can I just wear an elastic or a headband today Mommy"? Followed by: "But I will wear the bows if you want me to"!
Of course I never MAKE her wear the bows, but how sweet of her to offer, lol! She knows her Mommy's love of anything boutique...what will I do with 3 BASKETS full of boutique bows when Shelby won't wear them anymore! So, even if I don't win you givaway, I must buy some of these cuties from you for Chloe & Hannah (who I am sure is only weeks away from joining her Sister in her anti-bow"ness")!! Love them Jenn!
I am posting a pic and a little write up on my bloggy, will also link back to yours for more ladies to take a peek & comment!!
Too too cute. I don't know if my daughter will wear one. But's let give it a try. Your fun designs truly are an inspiration to all of us kind of sort of crafty people.
My Delilah just turned 1 three days ago. If the headband is too big now, I'll wear it for her until it fits her noggin.
Marina does not care for bows :( but she loves headbands and looking girly. These headbands would fit the bill for her. They are darn cute!
Oh these are so cute! I think we are past bows too. :( I think this is a perfect accessory!
Hi, Jenn,
Hope your day is better today! These headbands are too cute! I would love to win one for my 5 yr. old goddaughter - she LOVES headbands and looks so cute in them too :)
hey jenn! how fun to make my rounds in blogland after being away forever and find these super cute headbands.
as you know, i'm preparing to now have FOUR special little girls in my life. but, our oldest, chloe has really taken to headbands since turning four. she'll do a bow every now and then....but only if it's the right day and no one else suggested it!! =)
here's to better days for you!!!
These are so adorable.The special little girl in my life is my beautiful niece Breea.Breea is 4 and loves dressing up.Her favorite color is pink.She has an older and a baby brother and I also have one son,so she is the princess of our family.
So cute! You are so talented! I have two cute daughters who would both love these (one of which you met at Mia's birthday party). Thanks for doing the giveaway, love your blog!
OH MY GOODNESS!! These are so cute!! I am not quite sure how I found your blog (it wasn't long ago), but I decided to stop lurking and comment on these little gems!!
I have a sassy little two year old whom loves all things girl! I am always putting pretties in her hair and for the most part, she loves it!!
And I just added a post on my blog to send people your way!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
My former bow queen is starting to rebel against them and asking to wear headbands every day. One of these beauties would help quell my tears as I look at the dozens and dozens of amazing bows going unworn. Off to blog about this right now.
These are just darling! My Merritt would love to sport one of these beautiful headbands. Sadly she too has grown out of the bow stage of our life, but she does like a unique headband and is a big fan of buttons!
I am snagged some pics for my blog!
They are all adorable..and it is a great idea. My little girl is in school now also and has moved on from bows but I am in luck because headbands "are cool Mom"....I do love that she is all girl. :)
Oh how cool! I love these. My little one would love this...she is all into headbands now. Once they get a certain age that bow is out of the question.
Very Cute!!! Great Idea!!
My special little big girl Emma would go crazy for these!
Outrageously cute!! Would LOVE to win them.
ohmygosh!! I love love love them! My granddaughter would look precious in these...any one of them. Her blonde hair and dark brown eyes would sparkle wearing these.
Oh, my how cute! I have two little girls (Emma Grace and Mary Lee) that would love your headbands. Both of my girls are done with bows, which makes me sad!
love 'em! my little sweet girl, perry, is turning 3 this halloween and i would love to have the "bootiful" headband for my lil' pumpkin! thanks! kristen
Oh, those are toooo cute! I have two girls that will be fighting over it!
My 2.5 year old daughter wore her hair french braided today to church and we took it down before nap. Just a few minutes ago before bedtime she exclaimed as if it was the end of the world, "My beautiful hair is gone!" She would adore any one of these headbands! Thanks for the chance to win!
Cute! Nice blog too! I found it through my friend Bethany's blog and I can tell I'm gonna be hooked! She did put pics of your headbands on her blog! I have a 2 year old named Abigail and another girl (Madison) on the way! I'm not sure if we're ready for headbands just yet, but I'd love to try them out! Do you have an Etsy shop? (just in case I don't win, I could buy one?) I also want to know if you sell those adorable outfits? And why don't you have "photographer" under your list of talents in your profile? Your photos are awesome!
hi I am a newbie to the bloggie world so I dong have my own blog ~~yet.....
but I DO have a girlie girl 6 yrs old that would LOVE these hairbands!!!!! please please put my Lacey in your drawing!!!!
thanks in advance!!
Stumbled across your cute sight and would love to win!!!! Wish I was half as crafty.
Oh these are fabulous. My daughter would love one!! I blogged about them on my blog.
Hopefully I will get lucky and win. Love your blog by the way!!
Oh sooooo cute! Found your blog through Joy’s Hope….I have several girls in my life, 1 daughter and 6 nieces! My daughter is a ball of fun…running, laughing, playing….getting into things…she’s 16 months and is getting more hair which excites me since I love to play with her hair. What a fun idea, I remember wearing headbands as a kid, I wish I had one this cute!!!
The headbands are beautiful! I'm expecting a little girl in less than two weeks and while it may take some time for her to grow into them, I would love to have one for her!
What a great idea! My dd is 8 and hasn't worn anything cute in her hair for over 2 years now. All she will wear is plain old head bands. It all started when she decided to grow out her bangs after kindergarten because bangs were for little kids-sigh. These are the perfect solution! I just found out I'm expecting baby girl #2. How cute would matching head bands be???
I have 3 sweet girls. I love those headbands. Too cute!
Those are soooooo adorable!!!! I am lucky to have 3 girls in my life! My oldest is Chloe and is in kindergarden! Faith is my angel in Heaven and Kylie is my youngest (gasp, almost 2 yo)!!!! Both girls love to do their hair and frequently grab the hair accessory box and do themselves up!!! =] Which, I must say, both girls at 1 1/2 could walk in my stiletto boots!!!!! No small task!!! =]
Really cute! I too have a daughter that stopped wearing bows :( much to my dismay! I'm thinking she would go for these!
My little chica doesn't much care to wear bows anymore, either. She does like a good headband, though!! Yours are so cute!!
Wow! Love these!
My special girl is my daughter, Logan. She is a colorful little ray of sunshine in my world. (She just FINALLY started wearing headbands, so this is good timing!). Thanks for sharing your love.
Oh, and I posted a pic and link to this giveaway at my blog -
Thanks! Ali
do you have an online store?
Found your blog via Joy`s Hope. I have a brand new niece I would love to spoil. Winnipeg, Canada
My little girl Makenlee is so special to me. When I was Preg w/ her I had heart probs and nearly died on christmas 0f 06 (of all days). We thought she could have issues b/c of my issues. But she came out beautiful, healthy and strong 2 weeks early on her own.
She is such miracle and blessing.
Here is my blog too
These are super cute and would look precious on the fun little girl in my four year old blonde ringlet-bearing daugther, Rhea!
Those are soooo cute and colorful. I have a little pixie of a niece who look absolutely precious in these!
Oh my! These are super cute! I have 2 girls that would luv to wear these!
I blogged about them at:
i forgot- they are on my blog too!!
Oh I sooo want these. I have a 6 year old girly girl that would look fabulous wearing one.
I posted about it here:
Mark me down for 5 more please!
Thanks so much!!!
Also I'm hosting my own giveaway. Go here to enter:
Those are adorable! I love the tropical one the best. I think. They're all so cute!
What beautiful head bands! I posted a link to your blog on my own at I would love to give this to my 6 year old daughter for Christmas. She doesn't like her hair up much, but she really loves headbands. Do you sell these? I would love to know more about them! I found your blog through Chrisian's. Thanks!!
love them! I have never seen anything like them before!
Oh, do I have a fun girl! She's 5, going on 20. She loves her older brother and hates to get dolled up. She won't wear hair bows and hates to have her hair pulled up. She likes it down and will compromise with a headband. These are to die for and I'm sure she'd wear them! So cute!
darling headbands. i would love one for my daughters. they have hair, lots of it and would love any one of them.
too cute!
TO CUTE...I have a 18 month old granddaughter that is ALL GIRL! Her momma always has a cutzy bow with ribbons or a barrett in her hair. She would love to have one of your headbands for her when she get's a little older.
Holy Cow! Those are AMAZING. Seriously. I'm in love. I have twin 3-year-old girls that love headbands and these would be so perfect. One of them keeps chewing on her hair and I need to have one of these to keep it away from her face! Thanks so much for sharing--and my sympathies for your horrible day. I like what you did to make it better; I'll have to try harder to make other people smile because it always makes me happy, too. :)
These are adorable! Thank you for sharing. My little sisters Kyra (5) and Shelby(4) would look so cute wearing one of these. Have a great week!
-blogging about you at
I am 23 and i LOVE those headbands!! I have short hair and am always looking for a cute accessory! Can I order one or three or five from you?! i'm realy not kidding....
Awww, what a neat idea! Well I have three precious girls (6, 3, 1) so take your pick. I think my first grader would LOVE these.
What a creative idea you had.
I posted about this yesterday, but forgot to leave a comment! I have a 4 year old daughter, who used to have bangs starting about 6 inches back on her forehead(I am not very good at bang trims). In an attempt to fix it, I trimmed only part of the bangs and so now she has two layers of them. We could definitely use a cute headband to pull back the long ones until they are long enough to go in the ponytail!
So pretty! My Savannah would look too cute in one of those, especially since she just got her hair cut into a cute bob!
Okay - I am coming a bit too late to your giveaway - has someone already won?? Well, if I can't win...can i buy some?? Please let me know! Those would be so great on my little gal!!
How my 4yo little girl would love trendy tot! She's always asking me to cut her "hair long" so that she could have ponytails, and though I explained to her the hair must be grown long and not 'cut' long, she just couldn't understand LOL! I've been making yoyos on hairclips for her, but these hairbands are really adorable!!
Gesh, hope I am not too late. These are cute cute cute. And I have a special little diva these are perfect for. :-) My husband is still indifferent about all the hair accessories that come along with having a girl! :-)
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