I see so much beauty in this little one. A sweet sheepish smile, rolly-polly thighs, and chubby little fingers just starting to grab. I see a glimpse of the person he will become...determined, sweet, and a bit mischievous. And I see why I was put on this earth. To nurture these children. To cherish the moments I am given. To hold on loosely and trust. To love.

Happy 3 months Super Sam...you are beautiful to me.

And if you would be so sweet as to leave a comment with your favorite picture. I am hoping to add one to my upcoming website and I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite...thanks!
#5, I love how he is looking right at me.
I agree...#5 is darling. What a cutie!
Hi Jenn!!! OMG... 3 months ALREADY!!! He's the spictting image of "A" to me... so cute too!
Hmmmmm... gotta agree... #5 is a keeper!!!
GOAT rug?!?!???
Love, Lala :o)
jenn, it's a toss up between #1 and #5- they are all great though! he's so sweet!
My favorite is #1. Say, is that the goat rug from IKEA you were looking for? :) what a great use for it!
OH MY GOODNESS Jenn! He is precious, precious, precious! You are one lucky mama! :) Lovely pictures too, of course!
jenn, i just can't get over how gorgeous he is. yum!
i love the first photo most of all, followed closely by a tie between the second and the last. very sweet.
I like the first and third! So cute!
I like the first and third! So cute!
Love them all Jenn, but #5 & #1 are my super favs! Can't decide...Happy 3 months Sam!!
1 and 3 are my favorite's. Especially 1! Is A REALLY almost 6?? That is not possibe!
i love #1 the most, but any picture of supersam is a beautiful one to me. i can hardly wait to cuddle him in 3 short weeks. yeah!
oh my godness Jenn...these pics are AMAZING!!! WOW!
Number one really captured me, I couldn't look away! But I love the look on his face in number 2.
They are all gorgeous, you really can't go wrong with any of them!
They are all gorgeous! I just love your work! I think #1 is my favorite though. :o)
oh i LOVE number 2! =)
cannot believe he's 3 months!
5th one is my fave, Jenn!
HOLY MOLY!! what a little darling. I love newborns! I like the 3rd and the last best. SO sweet.
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