But could you resist this face?
On our way to drop A off at school today we hit the jackpot. I had planned on buying J a doll house for her upcoming birthday. But today, emerging from the morning mist on my neighbors driveway, sat this. My rational side told me to keep driving. Fortunately for J, my rational side lost and after dropping A at school...I was carrying this mansion down my basement stairs.
So I should be cleaning for my Labor Day company (that will be here tomorrow....yikes!) Instead, I am setting up house and helping Barbie and her clan get ready for a beach vacation. They are having a hard time deciding if they should drive their car or ride the horses...decisions, decisions!
It's not everyday that you can make your daughter's dreams come true. As J would say..."I guess today is just a lucky kind of day!"
holy dollhouse, batman! that is such an awesome find...and you are such a sweet mom.
lucky day, indeed. :)
i am seriously green with envy here. my girls would die for that house! and of course, your pics ROCK! so crisp and colorful!!!
Now that is an AWESOME dollhouse! I'm totally envious of that one. Congrats on such an awesome find!
That is a beautiful doll house!!! A yard sale coup!! WTG :-)
whoooo...Lucky Kind of Day is right! Wow, what a GREAT dollhouse! :)
& you are SO right, WHO could resist that face!? She is precious!
Wow, that is a great fin dollhouse. J looks thrilled, I'm sure you made your day!
Fantastic! I would have LOVED to have that dollhouse as a kid :) I'm picturing many hours of fun ahead for your girls!
Hi Jenn!!! Couldn't RESIST a RING UP when I saw this FAB FIND of yours... and isn't "J" the "LUCKY GIRL" to have such a FAB dollhouse!!! BARBIE morning, noon, and night in your house for sure!!! :o)
LOVED chatting it up! Hope the performance was a SUCCESS (I know the LIGHTING was FABULOUS!)
THANKS for sharing such GREAT PICS!
Love, Lala :o)
Wow...can I be YOUR neighbor when you guys are done with it???
That first photo is the most stunning photo of Miss J. I just love that sweet face.
Nice find on the house!! We got Maki one very similar for her birthday & let me tell you... she has spent countless hours playing with it!
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