And here are a few sweet pictures of the girls at their "watch week" for their ballet/tap class. At the end of each semester the parents are allowed to come watch the class and take pictures. Of course the class was scheduled for the day we came home from the hospital. But I couldn't miss we came home...threw on our leotards...put Sam back in his car seat and off we went to see our little ballerinas!
This is J doing her "teapot dance". Click here if you want to see the live version!
This is J doing her "teapot dance". Click here if you want to see the live version!
A waiting for class to begin and showing off some of her best ballet moves :) I was in tears watching her was hysterical! I've mentioned before that she runs like Phoebe from Friends...well...her dancing isn't much better...although she does get extra points for effort!
And a few more sweet pictures of Sam. He has changed so much in just a week! I'm actually a little sad that he is already a week old...I would love for time to stand still so I can thoroughly enjoy the freshness of him!
Hi Jenn!!! OH... I bet fishing was EXTRA fun... and VERY FASHIONABLE with the BARBIE rod... and ANY fish would be HONORED to be hooked by such a PRETTY PINK fishing rod I'm sure!!! :o)
I LOVE the teapot... and A lounging on the floor (a def. hardcopy)... Sam looks ADORABLE as always!!!
Glad things are going great! I miss you friend... we'll chat it up though once the house empties out a bit!
Take GOOD care... smoochies to EVERYONE!
Love Lala :o)
Jenn...I love reading your blog. It just cracks me up. I can just see Phoebe running and I can't stop laughing.
Your kids are just precious!!!
Poor fishies were probably roasted for getting caught on that barbie rod!!! LOL!!!
Thanks for the giggles this morning.
Oh my Jenn! What a wonderful, BUSY week the Cooper family has had! I so admire you!! Ballet class after getting home?? You go girl! I bet the girls were so glad they could still make it to class & with new brother in tow!!! A's dancing, cracks me up!! My Chloe is the same way, her sense of coordination unfortunately came from me, LOL! Take care & have a wonderful weekend, so glad to see pics of the baby, he's gorgeous!!!!
Congrats to you all!!! I have so enjoyed reading your blog over the last few months!!
Oh the girls are so cute!
And I love, love, LOVE, the last picture of Sam! Oh my goodness what a handsome little man. :)
You are definatly in the running for mum of the year, how lovely that you went to the girls ballet class! They look so adorable in their outfits!! Sam is so beautiful he definatly makes me want another one!! Have a fun weekend...Claire x
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