Another quick update...tonight Sam is officially 24 hours old...and we are still completely in love! Here he is all dressed up in his puppy outfit. If you remember
this post it's the first thing we bought for our new little guy! The day of our ultrasound we went to a sweet boutique in town and picked this little outfit out for him! I bought it in the newborn size...A & J were such little babies that I couldn't imagine needing anything bigger. Sam better wear it everyday this week as it barely snaps around him! That's our big boy!
And his stats!
Samuel Ellis
Born 6/9/08
8:02 pm
8 lbs. 1 oz.
20 inches

Ohhhh Jen!!!
He is absolutely the sweetest little guy!
You are SO SO blessed.
Enjoy every second of him. How are you doing? You look too darn good for just giving birth:)
Congratulations to you all, he is absolutley beautiful, I'm very broody now....lol. What a quick labour you had and you look amazing in the pictures....Claire x
HI Jenn!!! YEAH SAM!!! :o) Already a hardcopy keeper!!!... what a SWEET picture!!! Both the girls look absolutely THRILLED to be holding him!
Yep... Nick weighed 9.3lbs at birth... so we pretty much skipped the NB clothing!
Snips Snails and Puppy Dog tails... How sweet your little boy is!
Loving ya my Friend!
Lala :o)
Awww, there is nothing better then little boys... okay except maybe little girls... it just depends on the day really! I am glad things went so smooth, once you got there that is! :) Congrats, he is handsome as can be! I want to come see him!
The pics of the girls holding him are so sweet! He is very precious, enjoy your little man!!!
Oh gosh Jenn....he is getting sweeter and sweeter looking! Love those puppies and he looks wonderful in yellow!
Hope you're feeling ok!!
jamie :)
Oh gosh! Congratulations! He is so precious, can't wait to see more of his cute little face in the future. Glad it went well for you!
Glad you got the package today!!!
Can't wait to see more pics of your lil man :) Isn't it fun having a newborn to practice on??? I can't wait!
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