It really just looks like a bowl of slime. But this slime provided me with 4 hours of uninterrupted play at our house this weekend! And because I feel as a mom it is my duty to pass on any vital information that may provide this type of respite to others...I am sharing the recipe with everyone that I know! I was less than thrilled when A's preschool teacher sent me home with the recipe and several of the ingredients in a little plastic baggie. And I grumbled the whole way to Walmart where I had to spend $8.00 on a giant bottle of white glue. Oh, but the reward!
2 cups white glue
1 1/2 cups water at room temperature
1 cup hot water
2 1/2 tablespoons Borax (laundry detergent)
1. Combine glue and room temperature water, blend thoroughly.
2. In larger bowl ,combine hot water and borax, stirring until borax is completely dissolved.
3. Slowly pour glue mixture into borax mixture, stirring constantly.
AAuugghh!! I can't believe those sweet little babies are not babies anymore. Anna gave me your blog address and I jumped on it so now neither of our husbands will be getting dinner in a timely fashion now! I have missed you and think about you often. I am sorry I have been a dolt and not called or anything. Maybe now we can keep in better touch, I am definitely better at blogging!
Hi Beth!! I've missed you too! I told Anna today that we all must get together soon! I'll ring you up!!
Add a few drops of food coloring and you will have colored slime! We have used this recipe at our school for years. The kids do go nuts over it! Make some orange slime at Halloween time & pass out to the trick or treaters (in mini zip bags)!
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