Since the weather has turned cold and plans to stay that way for the next few months I've been working on trying some new things inside. I've got a sweet little baby girl heading this way tomorrow and wanted to try out some new backgrounds as a trial run :)

Still working on the textures too. Wishing that my girls' faces didn't look so stripped of color once I erase back the texture...any "texture gurus" out there who have a few suggestions?

We've got some sickies in the house (perianal strep...if you haven't heard of that you ought to google it...WOW...didn't even know it existed until a few weeks ago...and now it has made its way through our house again despite my best efforts to clean obnoxiously). A actually was swabbed for strep throat too which was positive but you'd never know it as she is as happy as a clam.

So we are staying inside and trying not to infect the rest of the neighborhood with our germs. Hoping these antibiotics will kick in and get us all on the road to recovery asap! This little guy has been tugging at his ears and fighting off a cold. Hoping he'll fight it off on his own without another trip in to see the Dr. We've been in so many times this month they greet us by name at the front door!

Especially love this in sepia :)

Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy. No big New Year's resolutions here...I figure the less I resolve to do the less chance I have of being disappointed in myself ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR!
cute shots Jenn, I havn't used textures yet but they look nice. :)
Gorgeous pictures. I'm useless at taking pics so no tips I'm afraid, they look great to me! We have illness going around our household too, jsut seems to keep circling!!
Claire xx
Hi Jenn!!! LOVE the backgrounds!!! Hmmmmmm... I notice the washout... but you KNOW... I'm NO PHOTOGRAPHER... so no tips from me!!!
Back to normal (or whatever THAT is) on Monday! Lk is SO EXCITED to head back to school and dance!
Love, Lala :o)
haha...i think that if i make any resolutions, i'm gonna implement them mid-november to up my chances of maintaining them till the end of the year. :)
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