To finish off our winter holiday adventures...we took a family trip down to Crown Center to the ice terrace. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lessie, and Grandma and Grandpa came along....we all had a grand time. Only three of us adults ventured onto the ice. And the little girls had a blast slipping and sliding around the rink!

S enjoyed the afternoon from the sidelines...staying warm in his snowsuit and Grandma's arms!

A cheesy pic of our little family (minus the baby....too scared to bring him out on the ice!)

After skating for a bit we headed over to see the huge (and mostly dead) Christmas tree. The girls wore off the rest of their energy running around and climbing on the exhibit. I could barely keep up with them due to my rubber skating legs!

So the holidays have been officially wrapped up at our house. Our company left this morning...and the tree has already been stripped bare. I don't know about you...but I'm ready to get back into the swing of our normal, chaotic life!
Hope you are all still pleasantly stuffed and enjoying your new Christmas gadgets. I do have a couple presents to share next. My hubby and I didn't exchange gifts (I know, I know...a tad on the "bah humbug" side)...but the girls did receive a few fun things!
Sounds and looks like A LOT of fun! :D Love the pictures!!!
Hi, sorry I havent been on for a while to leave a comment, but have been having a catch up! Your children are all so gorgeous! sounds like you had a wonderful christmas. The ice skating looked great fun, we have an outdoor ice rink every year where I live too, it does make things more christmassy! Sounds like you've had a busy few months, but you definatly sound like super mum to me! Take care....Claire xx
Hi Jenn!!! MORE THAN READY to get things back to our "low key" lifestyle... LOL... WHY does THIS particular time of year just DRAAAAAAAG on FOREVER???
Skating looks liek fun... yep... gotta love those rubber skating legs!!! LOL...
Love, Lala :o)
Looks like a fun outing! I'm not sure L is quite ready for ice skating but maybe next year. Or if I take both boys to help. LOL!
Gorgeous pics, looks like alot of fun!
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