So I emailed the seller lickety-split. Only to find out it had already been sold. I was in agonizing pain. I NEEDED this furniture now and couldn't envision my little princess resting her weary head anywhere else. I fired back another quick email asking (read: BEGGING) the seller to please let me know if her other deal fell through. Then I spent the Thanksgiving holiday agonizing over my loss and talking about it as if there was a death in the family (insert an apology to my family for the incessant chatter about my sour deal here). When I returned home from our trip I had an email from the seller...WHAT'S THIS?? Fate. Her other buyer had turned into a "no-show" and the furniture was MINE! The heavens parted (I did a serious happy dance) and began planning. I have a SERIOUS amount of painting to do next week. Anyone want to help?
Which brings me to this:

I've spent the last two days knee deep in my fabric stash putting this quilt top together for J's new big girl bed. Don't think I wasn't tempted to buy this (ok, ok...I even had them holding one for me at my local store) But the budget policeman vetoed my idea. He suggested I make a quilt utilizing my vast supply of fabric and I agreed that the idea wasn't half bad. So I started planning and preparing...laid out every scrap in my stash that I thought might possibly work...and then ran to Marshall's just to double check that there weren't any amazing quilts on the clearance rack.
The top is finished! My sweet hubby and I have plans to watch a movie and tie it off tomorrow night (what a romantic date huh? Kind of like two old women on the prairie!) I'm fairly proud of myself as I am usually a "time is money" kind of gal. But this whole experience fit so tidily into my handmade Christmas theme that I went for it and I'm so glad that I did.
OK...enough talk. How about a couple of cute pictures of Sam with his little girlfriend? Miss A belongs to a good friend and we got the kiddos together for a baby play date today. If you have read this blog before you might remember her from here. Wow has she changed! She's about as cute as can be!

Sam was pretty enamored by this little gal!

Thanks for the fun morning guys!
And one more little piece of business. A number of you were intrigued by The Writer's pink house so I thought I would share (pardon the minivan!) It isn't ALL pink...but might as well be for the amount of pepto bismal pink the previous wanna-be-Victorian owners punished this Craftsman with! It is such a fantastic home though and the pink will be all but a distant memory some day.
And with that I'll wrap up this random post and hit the hay.
Stop back TOMORROW for the WINNER of the GIVE AWAY!!! (I must be seriously tired...I'm starting to rhyme!)
Gorgeous!!!!! Better than Pottery Barn FOR SURE! :) I am currently taking a break from the crazy camera strap slip cover sewing frenzy and working on a picture quilt for my mom for Christmas using Amy Butler's lavender Daisy Chain. :) Will post when top is finished... hopefully BEFORE the 15th so I can send it. ;)
YUMMY Jenn, I LOVE that quilt!!!
how adorable!! you made the right decision! i'm glad you didn't listen to me and go buy that quilt! J will treasure it long after the pottery barn one would've been donated to goodwill!
That is so cute! The funny thing is I saw that same ad and tried to convince Kent that we needed the set for Katie!! I can't believe you got it! Please show pics when you're all decorated.
Wow, I would love a bedroom set like that - what a score!!
The quilt looks fabulous. As do the babies - so cute the way he's touching her face :)
LOVE that bedroom furniture...BEAUTIFUL!!
Honey, I would pick YOUR handmade quilt over the pottery barn one (even though their quilts are VERY well made) any day...yours is FANTASTIC!!
That's so funny you've been bit by the quilt bug, this week I decided to stay with the cowboy theme in E's bedroom (he will be 3 in April, the big boy bed is becoming impossible to avoid now, *sniff*)...I'm making one for him using that old MM Cowboy Stuff fabric that I've been hoarding! ;)
Love the pink cozy!! :)
That quilt is so perfect! What a beautiful creation!!!
Well you know I'm partial to Penelope (x2)...hehe...but I love your quilt too! Great combo of fabrics, so cheery and sure to be a family favorite.
Thanks for the pink house photo too!
Oh and love Sam's onesie too, made me giggle.
Hi Jenn!!! LOVE the quilt and can't wait to see it on the bed!!!
Of course you KNOW I love that house... even with the PEPTO PINK!!! Thanks for sharing it!
Hmmmmm... wonder if I wore that shirt would it be as cute??? What a SWEET LITTLE COUPLE!!!
Thanks for sharing!FRIGID COLD HERE... and SNOWING
Love, Lala :o) XO
there's a word for people like you: crazy. heheh...seriously, girl, how do you pull it all off? that quilt top is divine! you're taking this handmade christmas thing to a completely new level.
ps LOVE sam and his girl...that's some delectable cuteness.
Oh...beautiful quilt, centerpiece and family!! You blow me away! My favorite is Sams shirt..."bringing chubby back" LOL! Too cute!
Absolutely LOVE it!
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