This little one is growing up way too fast. He's sitting like a pro. Sitting like...I can just sit him down and walk away...sitting. He's eating three square meals a day. And just gave up his bedtime bottle. That's a big mystery to me? What baby won't drink a bottle before bed? Not this little man...breakfast, lunch, and dinner and he's good for the night. It certainly makes the bedtime routine at our house easier. But I do miss those extra snuggles...

He's really starting to play with his toys (read: eat his toys). He especially loves soft, cuddly things...and anything that fits in his mouth. As we were playing in his room yesterday I got down this sweet puppy stuffie to show him. It was so big...he wasn't sure what to make of it...and just kept looking up at me for direction.

"hmmm....not sure about you...but my mommy seems to think we'll be friends...wanna play?"

"ha...gotcha...you ain't goin' no where mister..."

"now let me get a good look at you....you are kinda cute..."

"you were right mommy. he's lots of fun after all!"

If I could only freeze time and keep him this age forever. My little puppy...I love you!
Just when I think that kid couldn't get any cuter...*sigh*!
Hi Jenn!!! OM Goodness... LOL... yep... dress him while ya can!!! SUPER CUTE!!! I bet Christmas will be extra fun at your house this year!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Hope all is well!!! Let's catch up soon!
Love, Lala
How Sweet!! Love the pictures Jenn!!
Too stinkin cute for words!!
Such gorgeous pictures!
things that are killing me in this post (in no particular order):
1. stripey socks
2. puppy dog eyes
3. gummy smiles
4. the quality of light in your house
i just adore you and your yummy blog.
I just about tear up everytime you post about this little guy. so glad youre doing so many beautiful photos.
Oh my gosh, CUTE!!!
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