But sometimes...I wonder. Can we be too flexible? Could our schedules (and therefore...lives) be richer if we stuck to the plan...or is it that aimless wander that creates a fullness of life? I tend to be a wanderer by nature. Trying my hat at many different things. Getting caught up in the excitement of something new. Letting my creative spirit take control.
But something has got to give. I like to believe I am superwoman. When I was a teacher (boy that seems like a lifetime ago) the kids called me "Super Coop". You might say I am high-energy. But I am realizing I can't do it all. The questions is: WHAT am I going to let go of? That's the question that has been plaguing my mind and zapping me of any creativity what-so-ever. Anyone have any thoughts?
And speaking of flexibility and all...and on a much lighter note...S and I had a little Wednesday morning yoga session today. We strapped on our leg warmers (or babylegs) and spent some quality time together. He is just such a sweet little guy...couldn't resist sharing some of his favorite poses with you ;)
(the "foot in mouth")

(the "pretzel")

(the "big boy sit")

(the "baby airplane")

(the "first position")

(the "pancake")

(the "Richard Simmons arm stretch")

(the "I didn't eat enough breakfast")

(the "push-up")

(the "new BFF")

And if you can help me answer the "What should I be when I grow up??" question...be sure to post a comment. Or if you don't know what you want to be either...post a comment. Or if you want to tell me how cute my baby is...you guessed it ;)
(By the way. If you must have a onsie like this for your own yoga session then you will want to head straight over to Amy's fabulously fun site Tote and Tee. We have recently done a bit of modeling for her and you won't be disappointed in her fantastic array of goodies!)
soooooo cute! it was cute when you described the outfit earlier, but even better captured on film!
Too cute!! I am heading over to look at the onesies!
Hi Jenn!!! Hope everyone is feeling better!!! OH FUN... YOGA with Super Sam... :o) CUTE pics of course... those little baby legs are ADORABLE!!!
Thanks for sharing the fun with us!!!
Leaving tomorrow morning... :o)~
Love, Lala XOXO
Your little guy is so adorable...I love all the personality in these images!
jenn!! i am CEO of the "what shall i be when i grow up" club. i tell hubby about it all the time, and yesterday in the car i was musing over the myriad possibilities yet again...and also wondering why i can't just be a normal person, who would have settled into a nice groove, be well-established in whatever craft or field by now, instead of this aimless wandering i'm so prone to do.
i just like too many things. and i want to try them all. it's utterly ridiculous and so much fun.
ps you have an awfully cute li'l guy there.
Such a great spread of photos...I love your little captions too! There is just something about a baby gnawing away at their toes. What incredible little memories you just captured and froze in time (it disappears way too quickly). As for your "what can I let go" question...I wish I knew the answer...I am often wondering the same thing! And not even close to be the ambitious woman as you! Maybe it's "what do you need to acquire"...possibly a photographer assistant?(...me!) :)
I understand what you mean. ;) Hi. I'm Shealynn. I am normally a lurker, but am saying hi now!
I am currently a photographer, camera strap slip cover maker, mama of 2, wife of a wonderful man, a sewer, a knitter, a lunch maker... etc etc etc.
When I grow up [or when my kids do] I want to be a fashion photographer & a band photographer. ;)
You're son is super adorable!
Feel free to visit my blog too... I found you through Erin.
He is so, SO precious!!
(and I miss the babylegs days...*sigh*)
love little sam doing his yoga! and his baby legs...we missed out on those and i just want to squeeze those little legs! too cute.
THE question... hmmm.. you are so very talented, girl. yowzers. what a blessing to have so many creative talents. you are amazing at so many things!!! can you teach me how to sew? :)
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