would have been a great day to have my camera battery charged. lovely.

I did manage to snap a few pictures after the service of our sweet little guy. And thankfully the church photographer captured his dedication during the service and should provide a few images for us in a few weeks. Still...

Then yesterday we had some of our favorite friends over to play. With a new baby in their house too, the play dates have not been as frequent as we normally like. This little guy is just the sweetest bundle of baby love! Check out his baby blues!

Of course...we are hoping that the two little guys will be fast friends as they grow! Not sure they have really even noticed eachother yet ;) But a year from now I think they will be serious partners in crime!

I have so many things to blog about these days...but the busy-ness of my schedule as mommy, photographer, wife, seamstress, etc. are getting in the way. I'll be back with more tomorrow I hope!
Hi Jenn!!! OMG... look at those CORDUROYS!!!! Don't you just LOVE shopping for him???
Love the FRIENDS pic too... definitely a hardcopy to share!!!
Miss you... let's chat soon!
oooooh, yes...with those dashing good looks, i think that duo is bound to get into some serious mischief (and smile their way out of it, too!). absolutely stunning photos, as always.
So cute...but I'm a little biased. :)
Congratulations on your dedication ceremony! What a gorgeous little guy you have there:)
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