That's all I heard about this weekend. If you have spent any time at all with A you know that she talks non-stop (I have no idea where she got this trait?!?) And when she is excited about something (no matter how trivial) she will literally make your ears ring with her insistent and continual remarks. We took a quick trip to Nebraska this weekend and when Saturday afternoon donned sunny and beautiful we made an impromptu trip to the pumpkin patch. A has a thing for gourds. I don't know if she is partial to their funny, bumpy skins, just likes their colorful, shiny bodies, or if she just associates gourds with autumnal fun. But whatever the case...we heard an earful (before the pumpkin patch, in the car, during the hayride, and even at home when the girls set up Gourd Tales on my parent's living room rug). She's played with little else since our trip. I've been finding these hanging from chairs and lamps in my house...listening to "Gary Gourd" talk to his gourd-ish friends, and answering the "which one is your favorite mom?" question repeatedly. Oh gourdy gourdy how I do love fall!!

And a couple of pics of the S man before church on Sunday. Who doesn't love baby sweater vests and wing tips??

Happy fall to you!
Hi Jenn!!! Why would I have known A's LOVE of GOURDS??? Loved the pics... and SUPER SAM'S kicks are FABULOUS!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Love, Lala XOXO
good times! if we could only buy them gourds as toys, life would be so much simpler!
Sam has the best clothes!!! TOO CUTE!!!!
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