Monday, August 18, 2008

New adventures!

It's official...we have moved from the realm of preschool. Today is A's first day of Kindergarten! Apparently she is already too cool for pictures but I insisted the day be documented so she obliged me. With family visiting we were able to walk A to school without the little kids...a momentous walk down the path towards an entire world of new adventures waiting for her! The entire neighborhood was out to welcome the kids back to school...with music playing and the teachers lined up in the hallways chanting and waving to the kids. It that doesn't pump you up I don't know what would! A settled right into her spot and got busy...can't wait to hear about her big day!
Here we are heading out for our walk to school

Our special neighbor friends!

Settling into her new classrom

I'll miss your sweet smiles today A...but we are so proud of you! You are a special little girl!!


Lala said...

OH OH OH... they are growing up TOO FAST!!! I hope she has a WONDERFUL DAY and can't wait to hear about it!!! :o)

Hope J does well today... I know she'll miss A... but her day is coming up too!

Thanks for sharing such a SPECIAL time!!!

Love ya friend!
Lala :o)

Mandy said...

Wow, Kindergarten!!
That's a big step, I hope she loves it as much as Olivia did!
She looks adorable in her sweet school dress (I wonder who made that) ;) & YOU look fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Happy first day of kindergarten Miss A! Love Katie and Ann

Lynne said...

I can't believe A & M are both in Kindergarden. What was A's favorite part of the day? M's was riding the bus, something she's wanted to do for 4 years, and lunch. LOL