I have to confess to having a bit of an obsession with onsies that say funny things. He has a "mommy's new man" onsie too which totally cracks me up. I've seen a few in stores that have literally sent me to my knees laughing. One of my favorites has a bottle on the front and said, "I'll take a bottle of the house white"...I could put a new one on him everyday! He's busting out of most of his summer duds so I figured I better catch a few cute shots of him before he chubs up anymore!

Also...I have been longing to figure out how to add cool texture to photos. I am working on a special photography project and really wanted to be able to texturize the final project (I'll definitely share when and if my little projects works out!) My sweet and talented friend Nic helped me out by directing me to a couple of greats sites and giving me a few helpful editing tips. Here is a shot I took of J last summer that I think looks pretty cool with my new found texturizing skills!!

If this kind of thing excites you as much as it does me you should check out this spot!
It is going to take me a bit of practice to completely figure it out but I can't wait to try out a few more of my favorite shots!
aw, thanks for the shout-out, sweets. your texture looks great! and sam is such a little snugglebug--i love watching him grow. :)
Hi Jenn!!! OH MY... I LOVE that shot of J... the texturizing is a FABULOUS TOUCH!!!
CUTE CUTE PICS of Super Sam too (I NEVER would've guessed your little secret obsession!
Love, Lala :o)
Wow that looks great! Do you have to have photoshop for those?
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