Here they are learning how to brush their horses
Walking into the arena
Learning to walk their horses
Riding backwards :) Love this little smirk J is giving us!
A taking her job a bit more seriously
Such a fun morning for them! I can't wait to watch them progress over the next couple of weeks!
So...things may be quiet here over the next few days. We are heading to Nebraska for a week with "Mimi","Baboo", and "The Writer". The girls are looking forward to some seriously fun cousin time!
And a quick Sam update: Doing MUCH better on the Nutramigen formula. I think we are going to go broke feeding him though! We are slowly weaning him to the bottle and he is SO much happier! We are already seeing major improvements and hoping he will feel even better once he is completely weaned. I'm trying to move on...and just relishing having a HAPPY baby again :)
They look like they are having such a great time !!! I am glad that Sam is feeling better. I can remember how draining it is when the littlest has a constant upset tummy !
Ahhhh...I just have to Hannah is also taking her first riding lessons this Summer! Her old mare is named "Ultra", & Hannah is happy as lark that she goes "ultra slow"!!! LOL!!! Thanks for sharing your horse story!!
Katie is going to be so jealous! How fun for the girls. :)I'm glad to hear Sam is feeling better.
Oh, my gosh...I want to go to Horsie Camp too! What fun!!
Jenn, I am so glad sweet Sam is feeling better. My oldest went through that as a newborn & I was MUCH younger & didn't know what to do with him (and you know how babies pick up on mommy panic) was a rough patch & I know you are THRILLED to have him feeling like his old chipper little self. :)
Horse camp sounds like fun! Riding backwards was funny :)
You can sign up for formula coupons on the enfamil website!
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