Here is Sam with his "Great Gaga". She was thrilled to meet him and I just love this picture of them together!
A and J enjoying the smoke bombs
My sweet lil firecracker
The three littlest girls...they are completely inseparable!
A and J taking a break from the fireworks to pose for me!
Sam sacked out (finally!) with Daddy! I was so proud of myself that I even had a little Fourth of July outfit for him. I waited to put it on him until the festivities began...then he promptly peed all over it...I guess I'm still learning about having a little boy!
Mommy time!
I had to include this shot too...that wrinkled brow! Now I know what he will look like as an 80 year old man :)
Hope you all had a wonderful, family-filled, Fourth of July! We are all off to take a good long nap!
these pictures are SO sweet, your girls are just BEAUTIFUL and your precious baby boy? too adorable!
I found you thru Erin's blog and had to stop by and say that i LOVE your blog!!
Oh my!!! First...the kids are DARLING!!!! Love Sam's 4th gear :)
The girls are so precious too!! And you look amazing girl!!!! Way to go!! After my third, I bounced back pretty quickly too, as you now know...we had NO choice, LOL!! Don't you love having three? It is triple the fun & chaos!! We just love it! Take care girly! Oh, loved the babysitting post...such a crack up!!!!
Hi Jenn!!! What would the 4th be without PINK smokebombs??? Glad Sam traveled well... and wasited until your arrival to get grumpy... :o) Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing such special times!
Love, Lala :o)
What a great 4th of July you had, here in the UK my oldest boy Max had a fun day at school to celebrate, they ate american food and played baseball and basketball, he really enjoyed the day. Lovely pics again....claire x
Love that picture of Sam with his Great GaGa!!! Definitely a moment caught in time that I'm sure you'll treasure for years to come.
What amazing memories! Looks like the kids had a blast. Your girls are too cute...and I love that 80 year brow ;o). Our Nathaniel gets that look so often.
That last photo is so cute! He's concentrating. :-)
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