My bag is packed and I think we are ready! My parents are coming in today and we are scheduled for an induction at 7am tomorrow morning! I have been having contractions all weekend but no baby yet.
I'm praying for a quick and easy delivery...can't wait to share some photos of our little guy as soon as he arrives! The girls have their "big sister" tees all laid out to wear to the hospital tomorrow and I have some special presents for them hidden in the car from the baby too.
I've never gotten to experience the anticipation of waiting for the day you know you will have your child. It is exhilarating, scary, exciting, sentimental, exhausting, and so joyous all at the same time. My water broke with both A and J (well before my due date!) so this is the most pregnant I have ever been (or will ever be!) I'm trying to just enjoy my last day feeling him move and kick and hiccup...although the anticipation of holding him is killing me!
Hopefully by this time tomorrow we will have a new addition to our family!
I'll be sure to post as soon as I can!
THANK YOU for all the sweet well wishes...they have meant the world to us!!
Hi Jenn!!! OH FRIEND... I will be thinking of you ALL DAY tomorrow... :o) Let us know as soon as samUEL arrives!!! :o)
Sending you LOTS of LOVE!!! I'm sure the girls are SUPER EXCITED!!!
Can't wait to see pics!
Love, Lala
Good luck sweetie!!! How exciting! I had three sections & never slept the few nights before, couldn't wait to see the baby, awwww! Brings back memories for me!!! You are going to do GREAT!!! Rest & best wishes to your whole family!!!!
I'm so excited for you! Aren't those hiccups before they are born just the cutest.
Good luck tomorrow and I hope all goes well for you. Can't wait to see pics.
Happy almost Birth-day Sam!
Oh, Jenn!! How exciting, I can't wait to meet sweet baby Samuel. Wishing you a quick, easy delivery & a beautiful, healthy lil guy.
Hugs all around! :)
Hi! I found your blog through the Vintage Pearl!! Congratulations on your new precious baby soon to come! I pray for a healthy and smooth birth for you!!!
Yay!!! How exciting! Prayers are being sent for a quick delivery- can't wait to see pics and hear how it all went! I'm jealous- you get to lay on your stomach soon!!! :)
Anna and I are going to be praying for you all day tomorrow! Savor those last times. I wish I had taken the time to enjoy the last little bit of Max more then I complained about being miserable. I was to stupid to realize what the end was at the time. I can't wait to see pictures of little one!
Thank you gals!!
It is 8:15 and I am still at home :( The hospital called at 6:00 this morning. Apparently the big storms that came through last night caused half the city to go into labor (except me of course!). So they have asked me to hold off a few hours. I'm supposed to hear back from the hospital by 10:00...PRAYING that this is actually going to happen today!!!!
And they won't let me eat :( I'm getting seriously grumpy!!!
Hopefully I'll be back with good news soon!!
Well, you've waited for 9 months, you'll make it until 10am... I remember the no-eating thing - torture!! A friend of mine actually ate anyway, like saltine crackers & some juice, and didn't tell them ;)
I'm so excited for you!!
We are praying for your !!! Melissa is excited to meet Mr. Peepers and have the girls over to play.
We are so happy and excited for you! I will be thinking of you all day today! I can't wait to meet your little BOY! :)
Nance and family
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