The last of our visitors left this morning. It has been so wonderful to have so many willing arms to hold our sweet baby boy! He has certainly been content with so much spoiling! Both of my sisters were here this week (The Writer and The Librarian) and we had such a great visit. My sisters are my best friends...exactly the two people you would want around after just having a baby. They cleaned my bathrooms, folded laundry, fed me chocolate, and took me shopping. I wish they never had to leave! The writer brought her 3 gorgeous girls who kept A and J occupied and having fun the entire week. And even her husband (The Pastor) volunteer to coral the little girls while we went for an afternoon of outlet shopping.
I thought I would share some of the sweet arms that held Sam this week! Here he is enjoying his cousins!

The Librarian gets a few snuggles in!

Time alone with The Pastor

And The Writer gets her turn too!

Mommy time!

Finally alone...sleeping in his new super mod bouncy seat.

Our sweet guy taking a snooze.

Wide awake at last (and a bit "deer in the headlights") but too cute not to include!

And a fun shot of the inseparable cousins!
Hi Jenn!!! How nice to have all that help... and I'm sure the girls LOVED having playmates for the week too!!!
Sam is adorable as always!!!
Thanks for sharing the pics!!!
We'll chat soon!
Love, Lala :o)
He looks like a little man already - especially in that brown outfit. You have a beautiful family.
Seeing those pictures makes me want to come right back. Good thing you're on your way soon. I'll be waiting on pins and needles!!!
Love you!
Sam is so Precious !!! I am really glad you had a great visit with your sisters ! Tell A&J M says Hi !!
your family is just TOO beautiful!
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