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I have been playing around with editing my photos as well. I will never feel like I have a handle on all there is to learn! But I thought I would share a few of my favorite shots from this week :) And if anyone knows how I can make my photos bigger here...please shoot me an email! I have spent WAY too much time trying to figure it out...my 'ol pregnancy brain has had it!!

Hope you are having a sunny day too!
Hi Jenn!!! LOVE anything you do in the KNITS!!! :o) THat last pic of "A" is a hardcopy keeper!!! GREAT JOB on the photos!!!
RAINEY and COLD here *sigh*... it IS the middle of MAY right???
Love, Lala
Oh, MERCY! Jenn, please adopt me & dress me in baby lulu knits too!!! ;) Those are SOOOOO Sunny & Beautiful, great job!!
Love your pics!!! And I love those prints :)
I make mine bigger on my blog by uploading to photobucket and then cut and paste the html right into your post where you want them. You'll have to play around with what size fits your blog before uploading to PB, on mine I make them about 600 wide. Hope that helps!
Ohh thanks Erin! I so appreciate the help! I will try that with my next post.
And let me know when you decide on a name ;) If we had had a girl she would have been Amelia Cate. You can borrow ours if you need to :)
I also make mine 600w in PB, though my last post I did through Picasa and it cropped the ride sides off.
I love how Sunny that set is. I'm working up the nerve to try sewing with knits. Caterpillar Ann sent me some to play with, and I'm excited to try then out. I hope mine turn out as cute as yours always do. :)
Thanks Angel! You will love working with knits...they are very fun to sew with! We are such casual people and my girls LOVE anything from knits like dresses, leggings, tees...
A was pretty mad at me that I was selling this set ;)
Thanks for the help girls!
That is so summery...very fresh!
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