We had a momentous week at our house. A has graduated from
Pre-K...she'll be heading off to Kindergarten in the fall. And for anyone who thinks to themselves..."what's the big deal...it's only preschool right??"...then you don't know A. She loves school and despises change. A deadly combination. I have never seen a child cry so many times over summer vacation. This morning she woke up begging me to take her to school just to see if anyone might still be there she could talk to. Poor thing. It would be comical if I didn't have to listen to her wailing in her bed
every night...lamenting the bygone days of
Pre-K. But she's a kid, and kids are resilient right? So hopefully the crying will subside and summer will shine through!
Here she is ready to go! She wasn't thrilled about the idea of a picture but I managed to sneak one in before we left!

Lining up with some of her girlfriends before the graduation ceremony

Getting her "diploma" and a medallion to wear around her neck...pretty darn cute!

Playing on the playground after the ceremony. There was an all-school picnic and of course the kids ran wild!

Goofing off with her buddies :)

And a tearful goodbye to her teacher. It really was quite sweet...even her teacher cried. Now I am off to find some great summer camps to fill the long summer days ahead :)

Thanks for letting me share!
Awww, how sweet!!! That last picture just about brings a tear to my eye, too - I can relate to A, I loved school & hated change, too (still do, lol!)
What great Pictures. M says she is realy for her play date. LOL
Hi there! What a wonderfully creative job you have done with your blog. It is truly a masterpiece. You are so gifted.
Loved the gradution photos. Your little A crying was bittersweet to all those who witnessed it. She helped the "grownups" remember one of the most important components of life...friendship! C really treasures her friend, A, and BEGGED to invite her over Friday and Saturday. I made her wait, as you told me you'd have family in town this weekend. When you get a break, give us a buzz to set up a play date please. C misses school too..especially little A! I will try to send you some great digital pics I got too..one of tearful A with the chin dimpling through tears. She is so sweet, just like her mom! Hope you are hanging in there with your upcoming exciting event. Have a great rest of the Memorial Day weekend.
BIG HUGS!!!!! Jenn P.
Awe...how sweet. She has such a tender little heart.
Hi Jenn!!! How sweet "A" is in those pics (and LOVE the daisy dress too!)... Lk "graduates" the 28th... excited and a bit apprehensive about 1st grade... thanks for sharing such special pictures!!!
Love, Lala :o)
We did the pre-k grad ceremony last week as well as the tearful goodbye to "Mrs. Leslie"! My youngest will be in "real" school next year, ack!!!!! I am doing the same...on a fun camp finding mission!!! Good luck girl!!! It is so hard to see them get bid sometimes!! sniff...sniff :(
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